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Extra-gentle ass-kicking in 3… 2…

(Thank you to everyone who let me know they were OK in the comments on the last page. It's really good to hear from you. Please keep staying in touch!) 

You can talk about this page at The Young Protectors Community here. 


It’s my great pleasure to send out another, very special Woolfpack anniversary “thank you!” to the superheroes of this comic who have been supporting our work month after month!

First let me thank pack members who have been supporting our work for the last 12 months as of this week (Mar 22-28): 

Kevin B. and Nicolas B.

(You totally rock, Kevin and Nicolas!)

I’d like to send out a big thank you to members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting our work for 24 months of this week (Mar 22-28):

Alex and Jon and John J.

(Two years of support! Thank you so much, Alex and Jon and John!)

A huge thank you to a Woolfpack member who has been supporting our work for 36 months of this week (Mar 22-28):

Dahling S.

(Three years of support! Thank you so much, Dahling!)

And a heroic thank you as well as for a Woolfpack member who has been supporting our work for 48 months of this week (Mar 22-28):

Richard B.

(Four years of support! Thank you so much, Richard!)

And let me also send out my biggest howl to those members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!

These are the awesome readers who have been supporting me and this comic for 60 months (5 years!) as of this week (Mar 22-28):

Chibi, Fabulous Alien, Geo (Overand), Salanth, Sakimi C., Ann H., Carolyn H., Linas J., Greg M., James M., Lena O., Robert P., Caleb R. and Nate T.

Thank you so much, Chibi, Fabulous Alien, Geo (Overand), Salanth, Sakimi, Ann, Carolyn, Linas, Greg, James, Lena, Robert, Caleb and Nate! Y’all are so awesome!

Thank you all so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that is what really allows me to continue making this comic. You all truly are superheroes!


So! Flyboy is raising the alarm, but Teen Spooky is feisty as ever. Should he be heeding Flyboy’s advice to get the heck out of dodge? Or is this their big chance to get what Flyboy needs to get home and save Cory?

Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀




aww, thanks for the Anniversary

Benoit Comanne

Hi Alex, I dunno where to post this, but for the last hour or so (19h30-20h30 Brussels time) I haven't been able to access the new page, nor the community page… I hope it's nothing serious? Thanks for the entertainment and take care‼ Tschüß Edit: that would be 2:30pm-3:30pm east coast saving time or smthng.


Hey Benoit! As far as I can tell they are both up. (The Community site is actually hosted with a completely different company so it would be strange for both that site and my other sites to go down.) Is anyone else have trouble just accessing my sites?


You're very welcome, Kevin! Thank you so much for the full year of support! You rock! :)

Malik M.L. Williams

Not sure if it was intentional, but it’s really interesting seeing both the flat colors and the finished version side by side. Amazing how much of a difference it makes with all the detailing.


Hum. Your honor roll has me scratching my head about when I started supporting you! No honors needed but it has been awhile. Honors from me to you. Glad to see you still plugging away through times thick and thin. Even more so now with the madness going on today!


Not intentional, but I agree it can be a treat to compare them. Vero puts in a lot of hard (and amazing) work on her colors! :)


Hey William! My records show that you became a Patron of my comics on June 17, 2017. And it's only thanks to the continuous support of readers like you that I'm able to keep plugging with this at all. I'm glad I'm still able to keep putting it out to give us all a (hopefully fun!) distraction during all this craziness. Thank you very much for your support, especially during this time!


LOL. The reply is appreciated I just truly do not remember how long it's been! It has however been fun and educational and I thank you for what seems to be a lot of personal time that you put in!