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“Who is this Tom, puny human?” 

You can talk about this page at The Young Protectors Community here. 


The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. And we had a bunch of new folks sign up over the last few days! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!

Fishboy, Ramrick, Gabriel F., Robyn M., Matt N. and Andrew T.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Fishboy, Ramrick, Gabriel, Robyn, Matt and Andrew! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!


So! Spooky’s on board with keeping Flyboy on the down low! But those are some fierce-looking heroes he’s supposed to lie to. I get the impression they don’t react well to dishonesty. Will Spooky really be able to get them to “buzz off”? If he’s not, what will they do to Flyboy? And is Tom with them?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀




Like the change in the last panel. Much more effective. And we do want to know, Who is Tom? If Spooky is that interested in him, we're interested in him.


I see there is a scene change or two from the pencils. The "magnify" link still gives you a smaller page. Lol. Mirror universe much?


Glad you like that change, QueBijoux! And yes, Agent Tom Hastings played a role in one of the short stories, "Choices." (You can find links to Spooky's short stories here: http://amwcomics.com/patreon-rewards/ )


Sorry to hear you are still having that issue, William. If it's not too much trouble, could you please reach out to Patreon support about it? Squeaky wheels tend to get these things fixed.


Hum. I checked it out repeatedly. At first "click", it gives you a small panel, with repeated "clicks" the panel enlarges. I had no idea. Color it in the "duh" column maybe? Not sure.


Understood. If you continue to run into issues, please let Patreon support know so they can get it fixed. :)