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Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors tomorrow.

You can talk about this page at The Young Protectors Community here. 


It’s my great pleasure to send out another, very special Woolfpack anniversary “thank you!” to the superheroes of this comic who have been supporting our work month after month!

First let me thank a pack member who has been supporting our work for the last 12 months as of this week (Sep 22-28): 

Patrick G.

(You totally rock, Patrick!)

I’d like to send out a big thank you to members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting our work for 24 months of this week (Sep 22-28):

Cherry, Amanda J. and Kevin K.

(Two years of support! Thank you so much, Cherry, Amanda and Kevin!)

And a heroic thank you as well as for a Woolfpack member who hasbeen supporting our work for 36 months of this week (Sep 22-28):

Michaela H.

(Three years of support! Thank you so much, Michaela!)

And let me also send out my biggest howl to a member of the Woolfpack who has been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!

This is the awesome reader who has been supporting me and this comic for 48 months (4 years!) as of this week (Sep 22-28):


Thank you so much, Devon! You are so awesome!

Thank you all so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that is what really allows me to continue making this comic. You all truly are superheroes!


So! The Gate disappeared before Flyboy could go through, so he slammed into the ground instead. (Ouch!) Does that mean Cory is lost forever?! (Or at least, dinosaur chow?) And what's caught Flyboy's attention in the last panel?

Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! :D






Shouldn't Flyboy have taken some major hit points from that impact? He was moving pretty damn fast when the portal winked out... does he have any modifiers to his ability to take damage? I was pretty sure his superpowers just had to do with his flying ability. Not that I WANT Flyboy to be injured... just wondering.


I think he has super senses, but the "personal flight" super power has to come with a few others like resistance to friction/cold/low oxygen or you die/fall from the sky.


My guess is Flyboy sees Cory riding the T-Rex through another portal


He hit hard enough to leave a small crater... facefirst! Not even scratched! I know what happens when a bird hits my living room window! :(


This may be the best picture of Mitch to date. Wow.


...that zombie looks so dapper and magical