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Heh. Maybe I should start calling these Wonderful Thursdays, because this is the second time in a row that I'm posting up your Special Digital Kickstarter Reward on a Thursday instead of a Wednesday. 

My excuse is that I'm in a big writing phase—working on your next Short Story reward—and it's been going well so that's been consuming my attention. Hopefully you'll find the results of that worth it when it's finished! :) 

Anyway, this week's Digital Kickstarter Reward is actually based off the cover of the upcoming Volume One graphic novel of The Young Protectors: Engaging the Enemy! With linework by Adam DeKraker, colors by Alex Sollazzo and cover design by Paul Sizer, I was really pleased with how this turned out. 

Volume One contains the Prologue, Chapter One, the Interlude and the Spooky Bonus Comic and I think the cover does a great job of giving a feel for what readers can expect in a really compelling way. 

I also think it'll all "read" clearly from across a room which is very important for a book cover. I love it! 

(Oh, and just to orient you, the front cover is on the right and the back cover in on the left [and between the two would be the spine of the book.]) 

**Cover Art Digital Reward** 

And using this cover as a starting place, I was able to create a special digital wallpaper using the art for your desktop. Put this wallpaper on your computer and start every morning right with The Young Protectors crew! 


(Of course, please do not share this link with anyone because these wallpapers are special rewards just for awesome Patrons like you. But also because I am using a professional service to make your downloads smooth, and I get charged for every download.) 

It was a lot of fun to work on this with Adam, Alex, and Paul. I really hope you like it! 

Please let me know what you think in the comments! :)




Great cover! I agree with everything you said in the 'Thursday post' ;-) I'm particularly amazed at the talent you have working on various parts of The Young Protectors and how they all seem to be able to keep the original style and 'feel' of the drawings and characters. That requires a great talent to mesh into an existing style since we all have our own unique view or interpretation. Your team really is quite seamless! I eagerly await Wednesdays and Saturdays to see the next installment of the story! Bob Wheatley Richmond, VA


The cover...back and front...looks absolutely amazing! :D *squeals* I can't wait! This story has been so amazing right from the beginning, I looking forward to being able to buy a copy :D


seeing this I can't wait for the print of vol 1! :)


Evil can be seductive. I still love that line so much, because it doesn't only cover/hint at Anni and Kyle.


Thank you, Bob! And I'm glad you like how our team is working together. It takes some coordination, but the effort is worth is and these artists are the best! :)


i can never figure out which page is going to let me post. some just open my avatar but provide no message box. that said, i acknowledge your artifice dilemma. i am, however, 72, so as you might imagine, my deadline is actually a DEAD line. at my age time has an entirely different import. i completely agree with you about winona's art work, it fit with the characters and the story perfectly.


Well, you'll just have to stay alive and healthy for Artifice 2. I promise, it'll be worth it. :)


The cover is beautiful! I'm so excited for Volume 1 being released. :) I'm thrilled to hear that you are writing another short story. I enjoyed the first two very much - the stories have been my favourite part of the rewards so far, they're wonderful. In the comments I saw that you planning on making Artifice 2. This makes me very happy, I loved the first one. I must have missed where this was originally mentioned.


Yay! So glad you like the cover, LadyMango! :) Also, glad to hear you're enjoying my short stories. I've been working on the new one every day this week and made a good breakthrough this afternoon. Hopefully, I'll be able to make an announcement about that soon. And... while I'd love to create an Artifice 2 someday, there are no plans currently. Not sure where you saw that. For one thing, Winona is very busy with her own projects and it would be a pretty big commitment. But I will definitely make a lot of noise if that changes! :)