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Howdy everyone! So, a whole lot of you are pledging at the $10/month level or above which is very generous. And I know that y'all are doing that because you really believe in the work I'm trying to do here and many of you have told me you don't need any extra rewards. But even still, I've been trying to think of more ways I can show how grateful I am for the extraordinary monthly support. Right now, once payment is confirmed, folks who pledge $10+ get to download a free copy of any new Kindle e-books I make for free (as well as the Kindle version of Artifice that I already made). But since I'm not creating new Kindle books every month, I just thought of something else I could offer: high-res files of the Full Monty Annihilator art! Once Patreon has told me that your payment has cleared (they let me know on the 5th), I'll send a direct email out to all $10+ Patrons with a link to download a hi-res JPEG of Full Monty Annihilator over black and also a hi-res JPEG of Fully Monty Annihilator with the new background. These files have double the resolution of the mobile wallpaper links I posted so you'll really be able to appreciate the loving detail that Rum-Locker put into every part of this work. In addition to that, because these files don't have to be iPhone size, you'll get the full view of the background Rum-Locker created, with nothing cropped out! Patreon charges your cards/PayPal at the end of the month. These high-res, NSFW downloads of Full Monty Annihilator will just be available for Patrons who successfully supported this Patreon at the $10 level or above for the month of March—they won't be offered next month, no matter what—so please make sure your payment method is all squared away right now if this sounds like something you'd want. I really don't want any of you to miss out! If it turns out y'all like this extra reward, then next month, I'll email $10+ Patrons links to high-res JPEGs for a different Full Monty image I've got cooking. And if things as planned, it will mean that every month, $10+ Patrons will get new high-res files they can download. Just as a way for me to say thank you for your continued, extraordinary support in making this work possible. I hope you like this new reward I've come up with. Y'all have now gotten me within $300 of being able to work on these stories for you full time and I'm very grateful for your support. Now that I've finished the big day-job project, I'm again able to put my attention on making cool, new The Young Protectors stuff. Right now, I've got that new Full Monty art cooking and I've started another fun short story that I hope to be able to share with you soon. Thank you again for your amazing support. Stay tuned. Fun stuff is ahead! :)



Thanks for the update this sounds like a great reward for people that pledge $10+. You say that it's something that you're considering doing right now, but for how long? I had decided before you came out with this to increase my pledge, but was going to wait til June for financial reasons. If I increase my pledge in June would I have the option of getting any free Kindle e-books you come out with or would they be a time limited offer? I can raise my pledge now it would just cause me to tighten my belt for a few months is all, which I'm totally willing to do!


Howdy Kathleen! Until I have The Young Protectors Volume One Kindle e-book available, I'll keep sending out the link to the Artifice Kindle e-book at the beginning of each month to $10+ Patrons. The TYP V1 Kindle book might be released before June, but you should get some warning ahead of time. And then after that, when there is a new Kindle book, that will replace the TYP V1 Kindle book link I send out. The Full Monty Annihilator High-Res files will just be available to $10+ Patrons who backed this month. Next month there will be something new for $10+ Patrons. What I'm hoping to do is to reward those who choose to back earlier rather than later, because as you point out, doing so can involve some belt tightening and I want to make sure that folks get something special for being willing to do that to support what I'm trying to do here. That said, there's skipping one cup of Starbucks coffee and then there's putting oneself into financial trouble. And I'd never want any reader of mine to put themselves in a bad place to support this Patreon. The whole reason I'm doing this is to make thing financially sustainable for me. I want the same thing for my readers. So, while I would certainly appreciate extra support and definitely want to reward it, it's much more important to me that my readers are safe and happy. Y'all are awesome, and I want you to always be safe. So, please keep that in mind before making any changes. :) Anyway, thank you very much for your continued support. And for your good question. Please let me know if you have any more! :)


Alex, The reward you're mentioning, this is one that is NOT available to the TYP Vol. 1 Kickstarter backers, correct? Since the rewards are so intermingled now, I am just trying to keep which ones I'm eligible for from the Kickstarter and the ones from here (and if I want to increase my monthly contribution. Thanks!


Yep, this one is just for Patrons. Thank you so much for supporting me with both the Kickstarter and here at Patreon! You rock! :)


Thank you in advance for the full monties!


Now I'm really wishing I could afford that much. Yes, yes, I know I technically could pledge that for this month and then drop it back to my meager income level (sometimes that 5 dollars can make a difference between having or not having a warm meal!), but honestly that would make me feel awful - even now I'm wondering how many of the current Patreons are just in it for the current NSFW rewards, and whether or not it's a good idea to be counting down to "yeay no more need to do other work!" without knowing how many will stick to their pledge past the one month necessary for the goodies. I prefer to stay at the amount I know I can afford for at least the next 12 months (unless something awful and unforeseen happens), so that at least my small contribution will remain as steady income for Alex.


That's really sweet of you to think about how your pledge will impact me. Thank you very much for your support and your thoughtfulness. :)


If you're asking for Patreon support on another creator's page, you're coming off as someone who's very rude and desperate. I suggest investing in some netiquette lessons.