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Holy cow! You did it again! You blasted through another Milestone Goal! You are all so AWESOME! Thank you so, so much! I'm going to get the "What does it feel like to kiss Spooky?" story up in just a minute, but I want to give you a heads up about something. When it comes to text, the Patreon website is currently very broken. On their site, you can't use any formatting for Creations -- not italics, not nothing. But even worse, when emails are sent out, Patreon removes every single line-break which turns a many page, multi-paragraph story into a single run-on sentence. That's a crazy way to read a story, so I'm going to ask that when you get the Story # 2 email, that you click through the orange "Check it out!" link at the bottom of that email so you can read my story on my Patreon page. At least then, you'll actually get separate paragraphs. (Try clicking the orange button below this email right now to see what an improvement it makes!) Also, I'm going to also try to attach a PDF version of the story to the post for you to download that keeps the formatting. That would currently be the best way to read it (since I do actually use italics every now and then -- shocking, I know). I don't know if Patreon will attach the file to your email, but I'm betting not. So, again, please click through to my Patreon page to find the actual Story post under the Creations tab so you can download that PDF. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Patreon is aware of the issue (I've been making a lot of noise about it), and hopefully it'll be fixed soon. All right! Hang tight! Your new story reward will be up soon! :D



Wow! I've got my guess but I'm looking forward to it all the same :)


And what's wrong with single run-on sentences? That describes 75% of the web. Plus, if run-on sentences were good enough for Faulkner ...


Congrats Alex... This is so so cool! I like the PDF idea... Cause then I can save Spooky and hug him and squeeze him and... Well you get the idea. All that and italics toooooo.... So posh! :)


LOL. I do get the idea. And you know how much Spooky likes hugs. :) (And yes, I spare no expense when it comes to typographical extravagance...)


Alex, I feel your pain. I am currently an admin on a hero fiction simulation for a group of writers. We end up using Google Drive because the on-site text editor is god-awful. Text features matter! Telepathy, emphasis, radio dialog; I can go on. I hope Patreon catches up and provides better services. Until then I look forward to reading your PDF.


to sum it up with a quote of a video game I love: "if you can't be flawless - and noone can - be flashy" :D