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Holy cow, y'all are amazing! I thought it'd take at least a couple days to break $5000, and we're already at $5,119! Thank you all so much! OK. This means you just blasted past the $5000/month Milestone Goal which was "a Patreon-exclusive digital wallpaper, where you'd get a chance to vote for your favorite character, and I'd then commission an artist to make that wallpaper for you all." I've now created the survey link for your votes. It will ask for you to vote for what character you want on this digital wallpaper, and how sexy you want the wallpaper to be. You can vote here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/patron-wallpaper-1 (Obviously, please don't share this link anywhere. It's just for awesome Patrons like you!) That survey link will only work until March 13th at 11:45 PM PST, so be sure to get your vote in before then! I'll announce the winning character and how spicy y'all wanted the wallpaper to be, on Saturday, March 14th. I'll then commission an artist to create that wallpaper. And within a few weeks, I'll be able to send that out to y'all! Now, because it'll take up to a month to get you this new wallpaper, I added an additional bonus to this Milestone Goal: a full-color Annihilator Full Monty Pin-Up as a Special Digital Reward. Of course, I underestimated your awesomeness and thought it'd take a few days before we hit the goal. Silly me! So, even though I've been working with the artist on The Annihilator pin-up for a couple weeks already, we're still finishing up the coloring. I want to make sure you're really going to love this Pin-Up before I post up the final image for you, so I want to wait until it's completely polished. I should be able to send it out at the end of next week. (But trust me. I definitely think you'll find it worth the wait. It's... something special. ;) ) Now, I might not have 100% control over when art gets finished, but writing is something that's all me. We're now less that $150 away from the next Milestone Goal which is "a short prose (non-comic) story for all Patrons which will feature a teammate kissing fan-favorite character Spooky Jones!" That story is already written so whenever we hit $5250/month, I'll be able to post that up right away. And boy, am I eager to share this with you! I'm finding that I'm loving writing prose fiction, and being able to write about my characters kissing, is an extra-special treat. I can't wait to get your reactions to it! Anyway, that's the update for now! Please let me know if you have any questions. And thank you so much for your absolutely amazing, wonderful support. The possibility of me being able to do this full-time for you is now beginning to seem actually possible. And I can't think of anything I'd rather do. More soon!



I don't know who to choose! So many choices!


it was really a hard choice! And yet I guess I'll whatever the outcome will be :D


Vote for Hunter & Killer. We already know how the other guys...measure up so to speak. And we will see Anni's big anni soon. Plus, I lowkey ship Hunter & Killer together and, ergo, want to see them naked with each other.


Hey, giant congratulations Alex. This is so well deserved and so exciting. Thanks for putting in all this work. These milestones have been coming thick and fast, I appreciate you still taking the necessary time it takes to give us the results you're happy with. Very awesome!


Thank you, Chris. It is a lot more work, but... I'm having an awesome time! It's so much fun coming up with Milestone Goals that I think y'all will truly like, and it's encouraging me to explore new things (e.g. prose fiction, working with artists who use a very different style, etc.), this feels like a real time of growth. Like the sky's the limit. And that's exactly what I hoped this Patreon would let me do—to focus more on TYP and have more time to create even more awesome work with these characters than I could do before. I've had to say yes to an upcoming day-job project in order to make rent, so that's on my agenda this month, but until that kicks in, I'm going to give my all to TYP and to coming up with fun rewards for y'all. You're giving me a real taste of what living the dream will feel like, and I love it. I'm glad y'all have been liking what I've been putting out there. And maybe, just maybe, this can be my full-time life sometime soon. :)


Poor Laampros so far behind in the polls


Since we've gotten the heroes' line-up, we're getting Duncan (I'm literally salivating just thinking about it!), and not interested in PP, I went for the oddball, aka the Demon Daddy. ...plus him being a choice now made me curious. XD - Dakejev


I went wild here (didn't vote for Spooky) and voted for Commander. I think she's being forgotten a little when it comes to art that isn't pages. I know she most likely won't win but also find it funny if she for once could have been chosen as the 'winner' from a gay-themed comic ;)

Hours Left

Congrats again Alex and team. The momentum keeps building! :D I voted for Laampros Full Monty! I know Kyle, Spooky or Duncan will win like usual, but I'll keep pulling for my underdogs! :)


Thank you so much, Hours! (And I tend to root for underdogs myself, so fingers crossed for you! :) )


I just love the Priestess, I voted for a safe for work/classic super villain pose.


Alex, you use your Patreon rewards in amazing ways. I find it inspiring to watch your success in action! I can only imagine what it might feel like to live it.


Thank you so much, Donald. I've really tried to think hard about coming up with goals that would be fun for y'all. It makes me feel happy that you think I'm doing a good job with that. :)


I voted for commander (she is HOT!) but I don't mind who wins as whoever it is will be full monty anyway :D