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Gah! (In the book, this will be a double-page spread. You can see a larger version here: http://webcomicsyaoi911.yaoi911media.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Yaoi911_TYP_Webcomic_291-292_1500.jpg ) OK! A few fun things! First off, thanks to the amazing, awesome support of the Patrons, I’ve now fully upgraded the site and thus, as a Milestone Goal, was finally able to create the single most-requested feature I’ve gotten since I began making webcomics: a bookmarkable link to the most current page. It’s looks like such a small thing but if you create a bookmark with it, it has the power to take you to the most current page of The Young Protectors in one click: webcomics.yaoi911.com/?last_webcomic=webcomic2 Enjoy! Also, you all have continued being totally amazing with the Patreon! Since the last update, we’ve gone up over $250/month to $4867/month in support! You are simply the best readers in the world! That means that we’re coming up fast on the next Milestone Goal at $5000/month: a Patreon-Exclusive Wallpaper




Holy coloring on Spooky's magic! :O

Mickey Phoenix

Crap. Talk about making my heart beat faster -- I sure prefer when you do it with tender, romantic moments or sudden reveals, than when you do it with murderous cliffhangers that won't get resolved for another FOUR DAYS!


Well, then, I guess I'm going to need to include more tender, romantic moments. Definitely on my list for future pages. :)


Cutting it a little close there, aren't we Spookster? o_O


Yeesh! Waaaay too close! I'm too old for this ****!


It only just occurred to me how Duncan looks like Brit from Image Comics. They're both mature semi-immortals with grey hair and excellent muscular physiques. Hmm... And now I'm shipping...


hey can you became my firest patreon