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Y'all just blasted past the $3000/month Milestone Goal! That means that all the money I put into the art and webhosting for 8 pages of The Young Protectors each month is now covered. It also means that I can officially turn The Young Protectors into a twice-a-week comic! YOU ALL ROCK SO MUCH! THANK YOU! Of course, there are still even more awesome rewards ahead (including unleashing the NSFW Full Monty Kickstarter rewards at $4000/month). And I'm going to be sending out a survey shortly to find out what other Milestone Goals y'all might find especially appealing. But for now, please join me in taking a whooping victory lap! We started this Patreon campaign less than 3 weeks ago, and amazingly, we're already almost halfway to making it so I can quit my day job and do this full time! That's mind-blowing! I always say that I'll never take your support for granted, but I'm beginning to learn to never underestimate what you all are capable of when you work together. You are a team who would make Commander very proud. Thank you for being the most awesome readers in the world. :) More soon! Alex


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