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I have been having a very hard time with my internet as of late, Im very sorry if I am unable to answer messages as queuing posts and sending files already took the whole day. I am actually quite busy these past couple of weeks since my dad almost got hospitalized because of the side effects of his blood thinners. I am taking care of him and Im happy that he is getting better now. But dont worry, I was able to color and sketch some stuff! I have time to take care of the internet problems so I'm hoping that the issue gets fixed as soon as possible.

I have a few posts already on queue so expect to see more stuff this month! (than usual lol) Hopefully  we get to have more work done as well! Thank you as always for the support, I really don't know what to do without you guys!

I have some goals I wanted to reach so if you are one of the commissioners I had on my list that I confirmed already, please be aware that I'm already planning on sketching them soon this month. Thank you!



It's always good to get an update from you and that ur dad is doing better


I know that your internetis suffering and taking care of your dad is priority one, but I need to know: Are the Palutena x Pit comic dead?


Wish you all the best! :) take your time! :3


Glad to know you're doing alright, hope the best of you.

John Rossi

I hope your dad feels well soon.


Glad to hear you're ding well and good to hear your dad is doing better! Take care!