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Hey, everyone!

I managed to finish it, hope you'll like it. Undressing scene may be a few seconds for you, but I spent a whole three days to make that. Totaly worth it, if you ask me :)

I wanted to commision the voice artist to make sounds and stuff, but hit a wall. I can't pay for services because of the sanctions, I need to do some stuff to make a foreign card so adding sounds is postponed, sadly.

Here is the link to the newest version:

  • + 77 new CGs

  • + 3 new sprites

  • Rewritten dialogs and descriptions in this scene

As always I'll spent a few days to quality work, and then come back for priority check.

Nobody asked anything specific for wallpaper - so I made the one I wanted myself. I'll make next one based on the most liked request in comments under this post.

Have a nice day and everything! Peace :)




Nice one! Looking foward to playing the update! For Wallpaper, I suggest schoolgirl outfit ;)

Wolf Rain

Im hoping for more in the “dick” path with the guy on the phone 🥹


I will come back and enlarge this route when I'm done with netorase / sharing route - I don't want to lose focus ☺️