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Hey everyone!

I finished the last part of the sub branch of the Bob's fuckfest day, and thought that there is no reason not to share it :) Now I will work a couple days before the public release on missed pictures.

In this version I tried to play a bit with the lights and it came out pretty good, I think. Not exactly as I imagined, but better then I thought it would be. I had an idea about light map, but it failed - it always meddles with the overall quality. So I did differently - basically I add a light and shadows in photoshop in a part of the picture and then inpaint it with low denoising strength. The results are quite interesting, if you ask me:

I'll make another post about it later, if someone will be interested :)

Anyway, here is 1.2.9b version. New content:

  • 26 CGs

  • ~400 lines of script

  • Fixed a couple of bugs

The jump at the start still leads to the begining of the fuckfest day, and I leave it like that for now because I don't want to make another menu. I'll move it after the dom branch of the fuckfest day is finished.

Have a nice day and everything! Peace.



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