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Well that's good that you're getting a new viewers again Kuma it's been 3 months of Hell for you.


Tiny Nobara was adorable. That is all.


Mahito is the worst enemy to fight ever he can one-shot you with his technique idle transfiguration unless you have some form of soul protection, create an army of minions that he can shape and and control through his twisted imagination, split himself into self aware clones, and worst of all you can't even hurt him unless you can attack the soul which means you have to keep hitting him until he runs out of cursed energy and since he's special grade he has lots of. The only ones so far we have seen with that have enough firepower to keep whaling on Mahito are Jogo and Gojo (I'm counting people who can't hit the soul we have seen Sukuna attack the soul so not included). Mahito is too broken!!!! P.S. you keep saying sukuna is going to save yuji but the thing is he detest yuji and the other fingers are not in yuji yet so he has no reason to save him as long has one finger remaining he couldn't careless what happens to him. yuji and sukuna are polar opposites one is selfless while the other is selfish.


Why would he be okay with even x1 finger? Wouldn't that limit how much power Sukuna can tap into? I assume each finger has x amount of energy?