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I don't have much to say about this episode (aside from how hype it is to see Toji again) so instead I'll get some other thoughts out of the way about this episode and the next (since you've already seen it on Twitch). This episode and episode 12 after it are two where you can really see the cracks animation wise. Very, VERY little of it looks noticeably bad/unfinished, but to someone taking the time to analyze what they're seeing the lacking action animation and one or two moments that just straight look not done are apparent. Episode 8 was a clear example of this, and in Ep 12 after this in one scene if you closely you can see a few glass shards hovering at the bottom of the screen when they're supposed to drop off. Again, it's nothing egregious (barring a few small exceptions) but there's a noticeable lack of polish here. Up until these last couple episodes (besides 9 and 10 of course, because the latter looked great and the former was amazing) the cracks were barely noticeable if present at all, because we had really interesting direction and storyboarding to fall back on, which I'm super grateful for. What I'm trying to say with all this rambling is that this was more or less what I was afraid of regarding this arc, not just because it's a highly anticipated thing for manga fans and we kinda all had unreasonable expectations for it, but because I hear working conditions at MAPPA were absolutely horrific regarding this season...like more horrific than usual. Boy am I glad I don't work for a Japanese company...yikes.


Also, I feel kind of bad for poor Ino here. Didn't even get to show off his full moveset before he got Toji'd.