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South Part Season 25 - Episode 1 




aww, why did you make me remember that poor dog at the beginning? and yes, they are indeed speaking german, albeit very badly pronounced and grammatically incorrect german. some of the lines used were "will they take mine too?" during the first newscast, where they first report on the school baning pajamas, and "will i go to prison? will you take me to the führer ("der führer", of course, was a common way to refer to hitler and translates as leader/guide)?" during the first arrest, as well as "it's a beautiful day and the pajama day is finally here. all children are wearing pajamas, except (unintelligible) führer (unintelligible) didn't allow. a band plays the traditional song of germany and everyone's happy. *yells at girl in background* no running, you have to walk. the pajama day is here." when he's dressed up in the outfit. not too much that's lost if you don't understand what is said really, but i guess i'll share nonetheless. oh also, pajama is called schlafanzug in german, which is a portmanteau from "schlaf(en)" (to sleep) and "anzug" ((business) suit). so it's literally a suit you wear to bed. based on that, i guess it could be argued to some degree that it is appropriate work wear? it's a suit after all. not sure if that counts as interesting, but eh....