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South Part Season 24 - Episode 4 Reaction 




I'm honestly not 100% on what happened to cartman in the fixed time line. not because i think he didn't deserved it, they guys an absolute menace to society, but it just doesn't really fit with what we've seen of cartman. cartman was never the smartest kid on the block, but he knew how to manipulate people. the guy was a cult leader like 4 times (the mel gibson fanclub, the ginger uprising, when he became mayor of smiley town and the time he actually was a cult leader). he also managed to become leader of a band of somalian pirates, managed to become a platinum selling musician in less than a week by exploiting christian rock, became an insanely popular youtuber under the alias of cartmanbrah and was the head of several high earning businesses (for example that time he owned that amusement park or when he and the rest of the group were the ceos of the washington redskins (no, not those washington redskins), just to name a few). granted, none of those actually stuck, but it's still kinda hard to imagine that a guy with that much skill in manipulating others would end up like this. sure, i guess society would be harder on him now than when he was a child, so i could see him in prison for running some scheme and getting caught. but ending up the way he did.... i just can't imagine that he can't find someone or something to exploit to live at least a somewhat decent life.


Agreed. He would pretend to be marginalised and leech of publoc handouts and peoples sympayhy for sure. Not to mention while unethical, many of his acts aren't actually illegal.