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That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime (Slime) Episode 1 




1. How the fuck can someone mess up killing a guy with 24 stabs. 2. Koalas aren't bears, they are marsupials. Marsupials are a classification of mammals totally different to those with milk glands 3. I don't get the cooked joke 4. Oh no, he spoiled himself watching the outro


Makes you wonder just what he had on that hard drive. Veldora burned a city on the world that they are in now, not the WW2 firebombing. Two different burned cities.


Some information from the light novels. This all comes from the timeframe where the first few episodes takes place. The body of a slime consists of a mass of completely identical cells. Each individual cell may function as a brain cell, a nerve cell, or a muscle cell. Since the operational cells used for thought are rotated in and out at regular intervals, there is no need for Rimiru to sleep. A slime’s body operates exclusively on magicules. Oxygen is unnecessary, and therefore, so is breathing. In places where magicules are high, slimes won't ever have to eat or sleep, but in places with low magicules he would need to consume other creatures to obtain them. Rimuru was in the cave for about 3 months before great sage spoke to him for the first time. To be more precise, Rimuru had been a slime for ninety days, seven hours, thirty-four minutes, and fifty-two seconds. At least another months goes by before he actually gets out of the cave. I believe he says at the time he's getting ready to leave the cave that it was 120 days since he'd been reincarnated. Veldora the storm dragon cannot reproduce. Essentially, it's because he's immortal-unless he's killed in battle or is sealed in a cave for 300 years with his magicules draining out of him. And because of that, he has no need to ever reproduce. However, Rimuru was spawned in that cave heavily because of magicules Veldora was leaking into the cave. They left this part of the discussion out from the anime.


Slime got spawned in Mew Two's cave. Ate all the rare end-game minerals and hopped around.


1. You'd be surprised. 2. *shrugs* 3. Got a timestamp? 4. Story of my life