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Resident Evil Degeneration - Watch after Resident Evil 4 




I'm watching this, and just to the part where someone mentioned Senator Armstrong fighting Mr. X, and I've got to say that Armstrong would easily demolish pretty much every monster in the resident evil verse, and considering his heart was heavily modified/replaced with the nano machines, I don't think he'd likely get infected either. Remember that Armstrong was an stronger than Raiden, who-in a weaker body- could lift and flip the modified metal gear ray in MGR:R and later got an improved stronger body that was able to beat the metal gear Armstrong was piloting. Mr. X wouldn't stand a chance, or Nemesis. El Gigante wouldn't either. He can punch the ground hard enough that magma erupts, can create shockwaves with his raw strength and can keep up with Raiden who is effortlessly able to deflect bullets and all that.


I think he'd definitely put up the best fight, and it'd be amazing to see.