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Avatar the Last Airbender - S3E8 




Your talk on your past and "people are just people" I think puts some of your past reactions into perspective, like with how you were a lot more understanding than most of Gabi in Attack on Titan. A person intentionally brought up with specific uncompromising worldviews and further reinforced by bad life experiences learning that the world is more complex than what they thought is a lot easier to empathize with when you've experienced something similar, whereas most don't have this perspective and simply take in everything as it's presented without any further thought. It's far easier to say "that person is just evil" or "stop excusing their actions" than it is to understand that nobody winds up malicious, or twisted, or terribly naive without some kind of force pushing them in that direction, a human being is just as much a product of their own decisions as they are a product of outside influence. Even before Book 3 this show already showed us "anyone is capable of good and evil, regardless of where they come from", there're numerous examples from the Old Man who snitched on Haru, to Jet trying to wipe out a town, to Sokka's Master, to Long Feng in Ba Sing Se, to even that one Fire Sage who was still loyal to the Avatar. Everyone is just a person, "Monster" is just an adjective.


some people have been pointing out that waterbending is the most dangerous form of bending, though i don't necessarily agree. there is some scary shit some of the other elements could do, if they were allowed to. for example, would a talented earth bender be able to bend the minerals inside a human's bone, allowing them to bend bones? imagine what that would do to a person. or, something more realistic, and something we even saw before with the general that tried to force aangs avatar state, simply pull another person underneath the ground. good luck getting out of that alive. one of the books recently also showed a forbidden air bender art, that is pretty brutal. and fire benders simply just burn you to a crisp or electrocute you to death.


Any of the 4 elements can be used for some serious damage, it all comes down to power and creativity Have you seen the tech humans come up with? Scary sh*t


I know what you mean with the energy of death. I once visited an old nazi death camp. sure, you have one person killed in a house or a few dozen in a forest. Try a few hundred thousand within a 400x400m area. The energy was so intense it gave me a headache. Never felt something like that before.


Well bloodbending is probably the most dangerous bending-form they show, but without that and a full moon waterbending is far too limited by the surroundings to be the most dangerous(realistically lightningbending followed by metalbending would be, but the Avatar Verse works quite differemt than the real world).