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Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 13 




(Possible Indirect Spoiler Alert) The OP really twisted the knife for people who already knew what was going to happen, the fact that Junpei got done so dirty by life in general here is part of what made his loss so devastating. The end of this arc is a great moment for Yuji, we don't have enough stories that are willing to give us bittersweet endings or straight up losses for the protagonists even though situations like this can do so much for character development. Seems like the bully got an indefinitely paralyzed arm, at least he'll have an interesting story to tell when he gets older. "When I was in high schoolI I burned and beat a kid and then he got angry and jabbed me with a needle and made me float in the air and now I can't move my arm....what? NO IT WASN'T DRUGS IT WAS AN INVISIBLE JELLYFISH I THINK! WHAT DO YOU MEAN JELLYFISH CAN'T DO THAT?!" His Dad must be so proud. Domain Expansion as a concept is one of the reasons why Jujutsu is one my favorite shounen power systems, right up there with Nen and Stand Power. It reminds me of this old cartoon called Xiaolin Showdown where both the protags and antags were hunting down magical artifacts called Shen Gong Wu and when they both grabbed one at the same time they'd settle it with a contest (with the same name as the title) and the environment around them would magically change to one ideal for the contests they chose (which usually involved a game with a combat spin on it). I thought it was the coolest shit ever as a kid.


I'm glad the teacher finally got his act together and that he even acknowledged his fuck up for not protecting Junpei. Too bad it cost a student's life for him to wake up, for the school to wake up.


Spoil alert please if discussing something in later episodes. Yeah definitely a nice flavor, familiar yet different. I don't have any reservations of people reaping what they sow. They made their beds.


(@NinjaKuma) I wasn't really referring to a later event, but I'll still put a possible spoiler warning over the comment just in case..