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Very soon x3 Anime/Shows will be voted in on Discord for me to react to, so I HIGHLY recommend you get your Discord Role, especially if there is something you would like me to react to.

I will be reaching out to all the new members to make sure you are able to join Discord and get your Patreon Role. This role will let you vote in the #Voting_Chambers where new Anime, Shows and Games are selected once we finish a series.  

These messages are done individually, so if you reply I will actually read it. Don't be shy to reach out if you need help!  


Please make sure to connect your Patreon to Discord so you can access the Voting Chambers thread where you cast your votes  

How to connect Patreon to Discord (& get your role)

Welcome to all the new Kumas!  I hope you will join us on discord, below is a guide on how to get your discord role and join the Council of Kumas thread!    

Discord - Discord.gg/TvTbCDh

Link Patreon to Discord - Step by Step: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role

(Please note if you are already a Twitch Subscriber you do not need to be a $5 Patron to vote, you already have access to the #Council-of-Kumas thread)




Yes, finally. Welp, time to flood Discord then haha.


It's going to be nuts.... I can tell already. Over 200 people eligible to vote...


It’s gonna be absolute chaos for the mod’s when the vote happens (and I was there for the Re: Zero vs Attack on titan vote, so i know this is gonna be crazy when this vote starts)


I might have to announce this one in the morning so I can take tallying votes while mods are asleep. Hopefully 50-100 people vote in that time, so mods can take it easy.