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Attack on Titan Season 4 - Episode 8 




And now it’s finally time to address gabi. I held back talking about her till now, as I wanted to save my thoughts for this scene, seeing as i knew it was coming. Sasha’s death hits hard (although she was living on borrowed time anyway, seeing as she was originally supposed to die much earlier in the story) and when this scene first happened in the manga, I remember there were a sith ton of people screaming for gabi’s bloody head - me included. You know, it’s funny though. I used to hate gabi’s guts for what she did, but now… Maybe it’s because i’m older, but with a little bit more emotional distance between me and the events, i don’t feel quite as upset about what’s going on. I guess one of the advantages of having a daily release is you remember things more. I think there just was too much time between each chapter release. You forget a lot of what happened leading up to certain events, when you have to wait a month between each release, so when something like this happens, it feels much more emotionally upsetting, as without the immediate context of everything preceding it freshly in your mind, something like this feels a lot more undeserved than it actually was. With gabi just having witnessed the death of her two best friends right in front of her, due to eren’s attack, and sasha sniping that one military guy right in front of her eyes, i can’t really blame her for reacting the way she did. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t particularly like gabi and her fanaticism. Although it’s clear that ultimately she is a product of her upbringing, she’s way too eager to buy into the propaganda fed to her. I mean, there were plenty of others who were brought up around the same rhetoric as her, but they didn't simply blindly buy into everything they were told and actually questioned the inconsistencies in their persecutors claims. Gabby meanwhile willingly ignores the facts staring right into her face and deludes herself into believing what she’s told. She willingly participates in the madness, thus erasing a lot of sympathy I might have felt for her otherwise. edt: pretty sure sasha didn't take of her equipment though. From what I can tell, she never wore a breastplate to begin with. A few of them actually didn't. Seeing as this is relativ new gear they are wearing, at least compared to what they used to wear in the past, and I assume they only gave the armor to the front line fighters and left the long range fighters like sasha with less protection.


Combat is a bitch, you have a micro-second to make a decision, but people have days, weeks and months to assess and form their opinions and judgements. Both are victims of their circumstances, however, to blame Gabby on this one isn't fair. He killed other soldiers, no one batted an eye. She killed Sasha, who was an enemy combatant, on her home soil, sorry but that's fair game. Not saying I'm happy with Sasha dying, I'm just saying Gabby isn't necessarily a bad person because she killed her.