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Episode 20 




not gonna lie, this was somewhat annoying to watch. you're constant screaming about going after her tendonds.... why? you clearly forgot that titan can regenerate, didn't you? during his first transformation eren titan punched an enemy so hard his fist exploded on impact and it grew back within seconds. not to mention we saw other titans regenerate from far worse, including getting their limbs and even their head blown of. cutting the female's tendons/joint would do absolutely nothing but waste everyone's time as they would simply regrow almost immeadiately. in addition, they very clearly had a plan for how to handle the situation once they captured the female, it was just that there were several unforseen, never before encountered circumstances that threw of the plan. the female's ability to harden her skin and to control the behaviour of the titans around her, to a degree that they behave completely different from how they are usually behaving, are a completely unprecedent phenomenon, so nobody could have predict or prepared for it. these guys did everything right based on their knowledge and abilities at the time and, considering you are usually quiet good at picking up on these things, it's rather annoying to see how little thought you put into things this time around.


I don't think it's within seconds but even if it was it would be an excellent way to get one off-balance and create an opening. Borrowing from having finished the season today I know they start doing it in later episodes and it has some effect, even if to throw the titan off balance and use the opening. The fact they didn't even try makes it seem like lambs to the slaughter. Agree to disagree but that's my reaction to the situation.

Redding Tier

Kuma's making some good points in this video