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S2 Ep 13 - https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zkvnfumWdWyngkFg5DRamr?



Jonathan Bromilow

Warning Spoilers!! But Ram vaguely remembers being used as bait by Suberu against the witch fiends in another time line despite not knowing about Suberu's abilities. Which makes me think time travel works with Stein:Gate logic, where time works in a straight line, and there copying and pasting the past to the present then rewriting the memories of everyone to fit the timeline changes. Which the rewriting of the memories of everyone cause minor glitches where some people retain fragments of some memories from before the rewrite. This would explain why Ram had a sense of deja vu when Subura joked about using her as a decoy for Garfiel in an earlier episode, because of the Witch fiends incident.

Jonathan Bromilow

Warning Spoilers!! Also Echidna says her test of the present created those scenario's for Suberu based on his memories, so that doesn't actually prove multiverse theory.

Jonathan Bromilow

Crazy Theory!! What if Satella is future Emilia.

Jonathan Bromilow

Spoiler Alert!! Also Satella isn't dead her body, mind, and soul are imprisoned in a magical seal because she couldn't be killed. Also Roswall is no longer interfering with Emilia getting to throne, suggesting he was risking fucking his plans in that timeline to make Subura closer to Emilia. And since Suberu is closer to where Roswall wants him, he is now focusing on shaping Suburu into his ideal image.

Jonathan Bromilow

These are basically all my theories based on the previous episodes and the information we have learnt so far so I don't know how accurate they are.