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Good morning/afternoon/evening Patrons!

It's a new month, so it's time for some new songs!

First off, I just want to thank you all again for your pledges last month, we had a total of 11 videos posted last month, and a lot of you even went all the way and pledged for all 11 of those videos. I'm eternally grateful for all of your generousity, even if you only pledged for some (which I totally, totally understand!). As promised, I will be getting physical copies made of the Side-Quests album and having a give-away here on Patreon and Youtube! I should be getting that done sometime in the middle of this month, so the giveaway will probably happen sometime early next month.

So now let's talk May Madness!

My plan for this month is to have AT LEAST 5 songs done, but I'm really shooting for 6. There's a chance on of these might spill over into June but I'm hoping that won't be the case. There's also a slight chance to squeeze in a 7th if everything goes more than perfectly, but we'll stick with 5-6 just to be safe.

I have already decided on 4 of the songs which I'll reveal here in a moment. The 5th song will be this months Patreon Request List Drawing winner which will take place on the 5th (Friday). The 6th song will be determined by you all in a poll here on Patreon!

But for now, let's confirm the 4 I've officially decided on: two are remakes and two are new Also this won't necessarily be the exact release order, but they will all should happen this month!

First up, which was confirmed in the latest Challenger Approaching end card, the winner of the first Discord request battle: Ridley's Theme from Super Metroid! It's been way too long since I've done a Metroid song that wasn't a part of a medley (Kraid's Lair in NES Medley #4, Ridley's Theme in SNES Medley and Brinstar in GaMedley), so now we're finally returning with one of the most requested Metroid songs. I've been wanting to do this one for years but I've always pushed it back (kind of like Nintendo does with the Metroid franchise xD), but now it'll be getting it's fair chance!

Returning from 2011 GaMetal will be the Menu 1 theme from Super Smash Bros Melee. This is another one that's been on my remake list for a while, and I got a lot more inspiration to remake it when TheHarDeOne made this the main theme in the GaMetal Smash 4 Mod Pack. Every time I hear it, it just made me want to remake it even more, so that'll be getting done this month!

Probably the most anticipated remake, one of the most popular 2011 GaMetal songs will be getting a revamp this year: Big Bad Baby Bowser from Super Mario World 2. You may have seen my tweets recently that I'm looking for a keyboardist to collaborate with , well this is the song I'm looking for that keyboardist for. The organ line is INSANELY difficult, and to be honest with you I haven't really practiced keyboards in years, only playing them when recording time comes around, and it would take me a few weeks to relearn and master that line. I'd rather give someone else the opportunity to shine on it, plus it'd save me some time as well. xD

This is the one that COULD end up getting pushed back to early June if I don't find someone in time. But hopefully that won't be the case.

Fire Emblem returns! This is the battle theme from Fire Emblem Gaiden, which returned in the recent remake Fire Emblem Echoes. Despite being pretty short, this is my favorite Fire Emblem song. The shortness will give me an opportunity to add some original stuff, and I'll probably throw in the additional part that was in the SSB4 remix (which, imo, was rather weak).

So there's the first 4 confirmed songs for May Madness! The other 2 will be decided by you all here on Patreon, the next drawing winner, and another remake, so here's the big question for you all to leave a comment for:

What old GaMetal song (2009-2012, but I'll even consider 2013-2014) would you like to see remade this year? Leave a comment below with your top 3! The top 4 mentioned will be entered into a poll here on Patreon for you all to vote on!

Thank you all again for your ongoing love and support, without you all of this stuff wouldn't be possible, let's keep the GaMetal hype train moving!

(TL;DR: Thank you all for your overwhelming support last month, phyiscal SQ1 albums being made soon, first four confirmed May Madness songs: Ridley's Theme, SSBM Menu 1, Big Bad Baby Bowser, Fearless White Blade (FE Gaiden/Echoes Battle 1), other 2 songs will be drawing winner and another remake decided here, leave a comment with your top 3 most wanted old GaMetal remakes!)



These are my three picks 1. RBY Gym Leader theme 2. Metaknight's Revenge 3. Dark World


Just one pick: Dark World

Jamison 'SolarZero' M.

I gotta go with Stage 9-8 (Donkey Kong GB), Legend of the Seven Stars (Specifically Smithy Ver. 1 theme)(Hey, you didn't exclude medleys), and since the Discord mentioned the only track you have on OC Remix, Gourmet Race, just to show how far you've come in quality.


Jamison, I think he already said he'd redo the whole Mario RPG Medley at some point (in the last streams), no ETA, so I didn't vote for it although it would've been my first choice if he didn't already promise it :P .


1. ZONESS. Seriously, I know it's very recent, but it's one of my favorite GaMetal tracks to this day, and I'd love to see it get revamped. 2. Pokey Means Business. If only because the Mother series could use some love. 3. Count Cannoli, just so the food villain Triforce can all be of comparable quality. I'm sorry that all of my picks are more recent, but going by the playlists on YouTube, there aren't as many options from the olden days, and I'm not sure what else there is to choose from out of the stuff that got taken down and whatnot.

The HarDe One

I know Sonic is kinda overdone but I'd love Emerald Hill Zone redone. That or the Brawl theme with no lyrics. The short version in the 100 song special was really good, a full version would be fantastic. Likely not this year because of Melee, but maybe next year.


Star Fox 64 Medley. Final Fantasy IV boss. Boswer's Rage/King of the Koopas. Though if medley is taken out, Shinra Corp would be cool instead.

Drake Silvos

Hmm tough choice. Bury My Shell at Wounded Knee FFIV Boss Bowser's Rage/King of the Koopas

Alex LaVoie

It's a bit weird, only looking forward to 3 remakes. I'm not complaining, since we are getting Ridley, and maybe Legend of the Seven Stars later this year, but in 2015, we got 8 remakes, 9 if you include Big Mute Blue City, and 2 of those were medleys, and then in 2016, we got 5 remakes, and this year, we're getting 3, so it feels a little bit underwhelming by comparison. LIS, I'm not complaining, especially since we're running out of songs from 2009-2012 that haven't been covered, just thought I'd share my thoughts.


It's mainly because of all the side-quests videos last month, but don't worry, I'll most likely be doing a few more remakes here and there throughout the rest of the year. :)

Alex LaVoie

I thought that, too. You've been pretty busy this year, so I can definitely understand that! Looking forward to seeing what you do, be it remake or new! :)

Mary Schnupp (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-13 04:43:17 Sandopolis Zone (Sonic & Knuckles) for a remake
2017-05-15 20:40:46 Sandopolis Zone (Sonic & Knuckles) for a remake

Sandopolis Zone (Sonic & Knuckles) for a remake