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Hey Patrons, got an update post for ya!

Attached is a preview of the next song up: End of Destiny from Panzer Dragoon Orta. I should have this one finished within the next couple of days with the video up the next day.

I've also been working on other songs, including Wistful Wild, which I've decided will come after End of Destiny. I was hoping to have it done and out by the time Pikmin 4 released, but it's looking like it'll probably be a couple of days or so after that (sometime around Sunday-Monday). This will then be followed up by Go Straight and Athena Cykes ~ Courtroom Revolutionnaire.

So the current to do list is now:

  • Next: End of Destiny (Panzer Dragoon Orta)
  • 2nd: Wistful Wild (Pikmin 2)
  • July: Go Straight (Streets of Rage 2)
  • July / August: Athena Cykes ~ Courtroom Revolutionnaire (Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)
  • TBA: His World (Sonic '06)
  • TBA: The Serpent that Devours the Horizon (Bravely Default)
  • TBA: Memories of You (Persona 3)
  • TBA: Project Peppermint

I'm hoping to have Athena done at the very end of the month, but it could end up being early August.

Speaking of August: next month is Patreon Appreciation Month! We'll be deciding songs on two to-be-determined console medleys and putting 3 songs from the PRL on to the to-do list. More info on all of that once we get there!

One last thing: it's about time we had another Patreon Request List song listening stream, so I'm gonna go ahead and confirm a date and time for you. We'll have our next song listening stream this Wednesday, July 19th, starting around 4:00 PM US Eastern Time.

That's all for now, thank you for being amazing, I'll see you in the next post! 🙂

TL;DR: End of Destiny finished/up within the next few days, followed soon after by Wistful Wild, Go Straight and Athena Cykes. Patreon Appreciation Month coming in August. Next PRL listening stream this Wednesday, July 19th, starting around 4:00 PM US Eastern Time. Thank you for being awesome!


Matthew Bankey

Having a Pikmin cover coincide with the release of Pikmin 4, even if it's not on the same day as Pikmin 4's release, will definitely help with views.