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It's time for our first full look at the Patreon Album!

The preview above is a crossfade-connected compilation of all 10 songs on the album. Some of these songs are close to final, but I still have some more balancing and stuff to do to others, but we're getting ever-so-close to the release date!

So when is the release date? I'm anticipating the Patreon Album should be ready to go by next Wednesday, March 15th!

Now, let's take a first look at the album artwork as well as the official title of the first Patreon album (note that I don't think you can see pictures on mobile):

The official title of the Patreon album will be Side-Quests Vol. 1. The artwork was created by stingybee and features some of the characters from the games represented on the soundtrack.

Also just to note, the song order for the album back may or may not be the final order, so that might change. (By the way, this is the order of the songs in the preview!)

It's still my full intention in a few months to get some physical copies made for some give-aways here on Patreon and on Youtube, so this won't be going unused!

Lastly, I just want to thank you all again for getting me this far, without your ongoing support this album wouldn't have been possible! I'm really excited about getting it finished and have been working feverishly on it these past couple of months. We're just about there!

Hope you dig the previews, and a final reminder: March 15th! It will be available for all Patrons on all tiers. The videos will come for everybody else next month, in April.

I'll also be confirming a date for the next Youtube live-stream in the next update post. I might do it on release day or wait a few days after, I haven't decided yet. xD

Until then, enjoy! :D

Update: Fixed the typos on the back of the artwork, thanks for pointing them out. xD



This is gonna be one hell of an album! Can't wait!

Drake Silvos

A kickass album approaches!


I'm going love this so much!


My body was not prepared for this x-x


A little confused by your double negative, but I can see the pictures on my iPhone. Either way, my spring break just got way more hype!


Oops haha, just fixed that double negative. Also I guess maybe they added it in an update or something cause usually when I view posts on my phone I can't see the pics. xD


A small error I noticed: Track six should be titled "Club Leader Duel", not "Dual". Anyway, judging from the preview it sounds fantastic. I'm definitely forward to listening to this next week, and enjoying all of the tracks, even those that I'm not too familiar with. Great job, and keep on rockin'!


That was just pointed out to me on discord xD Luckily it's an easy fix. :)


DUUUUDE! That Toxic Caves cover sounds crazy! Can't wait to hear the whole album!

James Cocorikis

*frothing at the mouth* Sooo pumped!


Can't listen right now so, I'll save my listening to the full download. Here's some nitpicks I have with the artwork though. Unless you are going to have a single non-booklet insert, this is not very print-friendly for phsyical copies. Then, I'd save where each song comes from (game names) for the credits of the songs and have less cluster, more artwork OR add something like ("from game X"). Why do I have this nitpick? Well... it might be a "me" thing but the name of the game... is not in its title; it's just tehre for identifying UNLESS say, the song is called "boss theme" then it makes sense to use the game title afterward because... every/almost every game has a boss of some sort? Also, again, if this is a back cover for a jewel case, it's not print friendly unless you decide to go plain black/white. Our dear stingybee could use a google search in order to get templates for jewel cases artwork layouts. It would help tremendously! Cheers Jonny. (/wall-of-text-ends-here)


Don't worry Lebon, I actually have print-friendly edits ready, so we're already prepared for that. These are just the originals. xD I'll also be ordering a single test copy for myself to make sure everything comes out right. :)


Are we allowed to share single tracks with non-patrons? I have a friend who's a HUGE fan of Pokemon TCG GB, and I'd love to send him the Club Leader Battle track