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Hey Patrons!

Attached to this post is a preview of the next song up: Buoy Base Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy. I'm looking to have this one finished tomorrow with the video up by Monday!

Since I got this preview post up for you all today, I figured I'd go ahead and combine it into a small update post as well.

Here's a quick look at the to-do list:

  • Next: Buoy Base Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy)
  • 2nd: Boomer Kuwanger (Mega Man X)
  • May: Tubelectric (Jazz Jackrabbit 2)
  • TBA (May?): His World (Sonic '06)
  • TBA: Project Peppermint

As mentioned above, Buoy Base should be finished and up within the next few days, and will be followed shortly after by Boomer Kuwanger.

I have some things to tend to the last few days of this month (gotta help my wife with some school related stuff), so I don't think I'll be able to squeeze Tubelectric in this month, so that one will likely fall into May.

And on that note: I have selected this year's May Madness remakes! I currently have a list of songs I'll definitely be doing, and a list of some that I might do if time permits.

As we've been doing in previous years, I'll be revealing all of this year's remakes during a Patron-only May Madness preview stream. I should have this ready sometime during the first week of May. I'll keep you informed on an exact date/time in future update posts.

That's all for now, enjoy the preview, I'll see you in the next post! 🙂

TL;DR: Buoy Base finished and up within the next few days, Boomer Kuwanger before the end of the month. May Madness songs have been decided, preview/reveal stream in early May, exact date TBA. Thank you for being awesome!

