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Good evening everyone!

I was hoping to get FFV Decisive Battle up tomorrow but I just got the first song draft finished earlier, so it'll probably be a few more days while I smooth it out and record/edit the video. I should have the early download up this weekend so keep your eyes out.

I actually spent a lot of time working on the Patreon Album songs, and I'm happy to say I got a lot done this past week. I'm almost entirely done with the drums/arrangement portion for all the album songs: 6 completely have drums, and 3 partially do, and as you know Saturos is already complete (speaking of Saturos, I'll be remastering it to the 2017 sound for the album). Next week, along with working on the next song (which I'll reveal in a moment), I should be finishing up the drums on those final 3 and getting the rhythm guitar/bass down on at least half of them.

I've got someone working on the album art as well. I'm really hopeful to get all these songs done and the album released to you all in February. I'm also considering getting some physical copies made and maybe giving them out to some of you in a drawing or something like that.

I'm also considering a bonus track for BandCamp.com and the Patreon release. Something special. :)

To go over again  how I plan to do the public release, if the album is released here on Patreon in February, I'll be releasing the videos a month later, in March. I'll be uploading 1 song from the album per day over a 2 week span (maybe taking a 2 day break or so after 4-5 songs), so whatever month that may be (hopefully March) will be a pretty heavy song count month, so again I recommend you check to make sure your monthly limits are set correctly (if you go to 'My Pledges' and 'Edit Pledge', you'll see the option) so I don't end up making you overspend. But hey, if you want to pay for all 10 songs, feel free! xD

TL;DR: The public album release month will be a 10+ song month, so double check to make sure your monthly limits are set correctly ('My Pledges' -> 'Edit Pledge').

In other news, I'm hoping to get the acoustic short channel up within the next couple of weeks. I've had one artist send me art for like 5 different songs and another send me one piece for a song, so my next step is to contact some people to see if they mind if I use their art on the channel for the other songs. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind xD but yeah, I always like to ask around first. If you're an artist and you missed the post I made , check it out if you're interested in contributing to the channel. It'll be a good way to get your name out there.

I also might have another Youtube Live-Stream when I get the acoustic channel going to spread word of it's release, as well as teasing the Patreon album some. When I decide on a date for that, I'll let you all know at least a week ahead of time.

Lastly! I've determined the next song for January after Decisive Battle. It's looking like this will be a 3 song month by the way xD, but at least I got a lot of other GaMetal-related things done.

Anyway, I'm going to try this year to get to a lot of songs that I've always had on my to-do list that I've always pushed back, some even for several years, like this one:

I've ALWAYS wanted to do this song, it's one of my favorite Mario Kart songs, and we really need some more Mario Kart tunes on the GaMetal roster. The GBA Bowser Castle has also appeared Mario Kart DS, Wii, and 7, so it's not entirely unknown. Check it out if you're not familiar with it!

Also it's technically a Bowser song so that's always a plus. xD

After this song I'll probably follow it up with a personal choice from the Patreon request list. I'll let you know when I get around to that. :)

Thank you all as always for your ongoing love and support, you all are the best! Every day I wake up inspired to make this the most phenomenal GaMetal year ever, and I'm determined to do just that. I have more awesome things in store, stay tuned, you all are the greatest! :D


The HarDe One

I love this song! I became an immediate fan the first time I heard it. I too have thought about some series' that have a multitude of great songs that really deserve GaMetal remixes, Mario Kart being one. Seeing as Sonic now has two medleys, Mario and Zelda have the Legend of Mario, and Mega Man/X have multiple medleys, maybe the next non-system specific medley should be of Mario Kart? Or maybe F-Zero or Donkey Kong? Fire Emblem?

MMG Mike

Yes Mario Kart representation thank you man shits gonna be amazing


All great candidates. I've been taking a harder look at DKC2s soundtrack recently after seeing how many people had it in their top 3 favorite game soundtracks in the discussion post I made. :)


Looking forward to that album next month. I've been anticipating its release for months. Yeah! Bowser Castle GBA! I had this in mind the other day that you should do this song, it's a pretty good one. Looking forward to this song too. Harde One mentioned medleys before; might as well throw a suggestion in myself though it's kind of an oddball one. Live a Live battle theme medley. Last year I remember you considering doing Megalomania sometime after it appeared in the SNES medley but I thought it would be a good idea to just do all the battle themes leading up to this song. Most of them go for under a minute, though that would be like 8 songs. It should be noted too that one of the composers for Street Fighter 2, Yoko Shimomura composed for this game and that's why one of the battle themes sounds a lot like Ken's theme (Which of course is the part of the game that's styled like Street Fighter).


Looking forward the next month with anticipation. c: I was planning to use Saturos for an upcoming video I was gonna do. Kinda debating if I should wait for the Patreon album for that or not, but then again with the way my schedule is looking by the time I'm done the album might be out.


You're the greatest for being able to rock out so hard. You help me get by day by day, so it's only right I help you do the same. X3