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Hey everyone!

I don't think I mentioned this, but preview posts from this point forward will be available to all tiers! This was previously a Tier 3+ reward.

Here's the first minute or so of Star Dream. This one's been taking me a while because there's just a crazy amount of synth stuff going on that has been a bit of a (welcome) challenge, especially on the 3rd phase (P-R-O-G-R-A-M / Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection).

I'm trying my hardest to get the first draft done tonight so I can polish it tomorrow and hopefully get the video up by Thursday.

Thanks for all your patience, just trying my hardest to make sure the 2017 opener is amazing. Enjoy the preview!

(Note: Keep in mind previews don't always neccesarily represent the final draft, I usually end up changing things in between previews and finals.)