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Hey everyone!

I've been hard at work on Star Dream the past few days, and it's currently about 60% done. I'm expecting the synth parts to take me a bit longer than usual, since a lot of sections (especially the P-R-O-G-R-A-M section) are extremely synth and effect heavy. My plan is to have this one finished by around the 10th of the month.

But for now, we have the next request list drawing coming up! We had a few more declined cards than usual this month so I'm going to give this an extra couple of days, with the actual drawing taking place this Saturday.

Here are the current (83) entries:

  • Escape (Metroid) - Chris Bowens 
  • Boss Challenge 2 (Diddy Kong Racing) - Nicolas Daoust
  • Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V) - Bolaum
  • Full Metal Fighter (M.U.S.H.A) - TundraZer0
  • Comrades (Fire Emblem 8) - Gersub
  • Pirate Lagoon (Diddy Kong Racing) - Nicholas Brotzman
  • FIGHT!! Ver. 3 (Grandia II) - B. Ratcliff
  • Big Top Bop (Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze) - Lebon14
  • Vs. Gregar / Falzar (Mega Man Battle Network 6) - theletplaysage
  • One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII) - luigifan14
  • Decisive (Ogre Battle 64) - Chris Smith
  • Team Rocket Battle (Pokemon Gold/Silver) - Josiah Williams
  • Staff Roll (Super Mario Sunshine) - Bryce Dawson
  • Molgera Battle (Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) - Alex LaVoie
  • WANTED!! (Metal Max 2 ReLoaded) - Benjamin Rohr
  • Battle of Lil’ Slugger (Super Meat Boy) - Rocket Punk
  • Force Your Way (Final Fantasy VIII) - Jamison 'SolarZero' P.
  • Crocodile Cacophony (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Emerald
  • The Crowd Goes Wild (Skullgirls) - Tyvisaur
  • Mischievous Robot (Cave Story) - Jason Banner
  • Theme of a Tragedic Revenge (NiGHTS into Dreams) - Billy Moore
  • Final Battle (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) - Violet
  • Maple Treeway (Mario Kart Wii) - Mike's Monster Gaming
  • Devil Lord Confrontation 1/2 (Romancing SaGa 3) - Xhog
  • Frieza Battle (Dragon Ball Z: Goku Gekitouden) - Mark Bardsley
  • Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Matt "MML" Lucas
  • Pluto (Mega Man V) - MaskedKirby
  • Take up the Cross (Tales of Phantasia) - Jordan
  • Decisive Battle [Ex-Death] (Final Fantasy V) - XenomorphicTendencies
  • Farewell to Ballade (Mega Man 10) - Chris Bonner
  • Don’t be Defeated by a Friend! (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel) - Hornlitz*
  • Fatalize (Tales of Symphonia) - Hornlitz*
  • Forest World - Poochy Stage (Tetris Attack) - The HarDe One*
  • Opening Theme (Super Smash Bros U) - The HarDe One*
  • Battle! Zinnia (Pokemon OR/AS) - Anthony Meyer
  • Race 1 (Uniracers) - Chris Stevens
  • Sky High (Dynamite Headdy) - Ryan Tyrrell
  • Vigaku (Dead or Alive 2) - T.J. Murphy
  • Boss Theme (Super Mario Sunshine) - MMSpectreon
  • Final Dreadnought 1 (Freedom Planet) - Dustin Isbell
  • Nightmare Battle (Link's Awakening) - Matt Detwiler
  • Port of Adia (Turok 2) - Revle
  • The Last Dual (Lufia II) - CalvinJJ
  • Gerudo Valley (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) - BloodShadow
  • M.R. (Rabi-Rabi) - AlexSSZ
  • Wicked Child (Castlevania) - Medhathobo
  • Tor (Iji) - Chafe
  • Storm Owl (Mega Man X4) - Avarik
  • Flight of the Zinger (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Ben Salvidrim
  • Trap Phantasm (Mega Man ZX Advent) - DarkPrime25
  • Holy Orders (Guilty Gear) - matthulu
  • Danger! (Secret of Mana) - Patrick Caputo
  • Battle Theme (Grandia II) - Ryu Shadowstone
  • Gusty Garden Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy) - Kyle Kretzer
  • The End of a Thought (Tales of Symphonia) - thebrawler56
  • To the World of Darkness (Zeliard) - Geoff
  • Wind Fields (Crystalis) - Carl Celizic
  • Captain America (Marvel Vs. Capcom) - Yousaf Mir
  • Dark Demon (Dynamite Headdy) - Zieg
  • The Hard Corps (Contra Hard Corps) - Matthew Longshore
  • Justice Ray Part 3 (Thunder Force VI) - giga-ganon
  • Tal Tal Heights (Link’s Awakening) - Bakhadeth
  • OFF (Pepper Steak) - TeiunBomb
  • Noeru (Darius Twin) - Mats Tolvaly*
  • Office Theme (Gremlins 2) - Mats Tolvaly*
  • Arisu in Fluxtown (Project X-Zone 2) - Gemios
  • Area 1 (Blaster Master) - Emile Arseneault (DenaZX)
  • Stage 1-1 (Sparkster) - Medz98194
  • Surprise Attack (Star Fox 2) - Airsh
  • Never Let Up! (Mario and Luigi: Dream Team) - SuperMii3D
  • Dark Demon (Dynamite Headdy) - Zieg
  • Miror B (Pokemon Colosseum) - Poketchu
  • Nuts and Bolts (Donkey Kong Country 3) - Gregory Pelletier
  • The Grand Battle (Custom Robo Arena) - Anonymous
  • Nocturne - Normal Battle (Shin Megami Tensei) - Riley Dillon
  • Platinum Shrine (Brain Lord) - Zachary Reed
  • Moon Over the Castle (Gran Turismo) - KyleJCrb
  • Final Battle (Banjo-Kazooie) - Austin Kolbe
  • Brainiac Mainiac (Plants vs Zombies) - M76030
  • Positive Force (VVVVVV) - Lars Flyger
  • Battle! Colress (Pokemon B/W 2) - Luigihatkid
  • Vs. Elite Four (Pokemon Black / White) - Mason Dean
  • Dark Matter 02 (Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon)

As usual, I encourage you to check to make sure I didn't miss you. Also, I know we have a few new Tier 3+ Patrons whose list I haven't seen yet, make sure you check out the request list post so I can get you in the drawing.

Good luck!



For some reason the editor wasn't letting me add links to this post so here's the link to the current request list if you need it: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-request-7164864?cid=2943619">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-request-7164864?cid=2943619</a>


Yo I think I finally found enough money to start paying you again, so, like, can you update me on where I am on getting back on this list?


Oh yeah, I forgot to check the cool down people, haha. I think you're off it now, let me double check


Yo, My card was deleted some months ago but I started to pay again. Could you add my wish back to the list ? "Mirror B theme" from Pokémon Colloseum


Ok you're back in, got Battle! Colress in the drawing for now. Feel free to update your list if you'd like. :)

MMG Mike

Hey Jonny it still says Dingodiles Theme when i changed it last month i forgot what we went with last month so ill change up my list again for the last time im gonna go with Maple Treeway from Mario Kart Wii <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQkVOiih3EA&amp;ab_channel=BrawlBRSTMs3X" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQkVOiih3EA&amp;ab_channel=BrawlBRSTMs3X</a> Emerald Coast 1 from Sonic Adventure <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc81dfPGdh4&amp;ab_channel=BrawlBRSTMs3X" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc81dfPGdh4&amp;ab_channel=BrawlBRSTMs3X</a> and Jungle Falls from Diddy Kong Racing <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y4VTtT9cy8&amp;ab_channel=BrawlBRSTMs3X" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y4VTtT9cy8&amp;ab_channel=BrawlBRSTMs3X</a>


Switching my list up a bit this month - got to keep you on your toes! (and give you more music to think about.) 1) I'm keeping Nightmare Battle (Link's Awakening) in slot 1. Still think you can do an awesome cover of this. 2) Running Hell (Cave Story) - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtxp70tVHyM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtxp70tVHyM</a> - Still no Cave Story or VVVVVV GaMetal, darn. Maybe I can change that. 3) The Airship Hilda Garte (Final Fantasy IX) - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sJ5APGXp0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sJ5APGXp0</a> - Now for something a little different. I was thinking of some FF themes that could be covered, and since most of the obvious ones are in the list already, how about an airship theme?


I'm going to change my list one more time since I've gone off Remix 10 for a while 1. Devil Lord Confrontation 1 &amp; 2 - Romancing SaGa 3 youtube.com/watch?v=KSM0j7fXeTU youtube.com/watch?v=m8fv50dpVV8 2. Final Confrontation - Romancing SaGa 3 youtube.com/watch?v=argIRM8e7DU 3. Roll Out, Wonderful 100! - Wonderful 101 youtube.com/watch?v=RD5xrOU6Gic

Jamison 'SolarZero' M.

Hmm... have you been tossing back and forth on my list? I feel like you've jumped back and forth between having Force Your Way and Won't Stop, Just go a few times but I could be wrong.


By the way, the declined cards are likely an error on either Patreon or Paypal's part. I had a declined payment this month despite having the same payment method for months and having enough money. I quickly got it sorted on the same day with the same payment method and it went through that time so that was weird.


I figured as much, most of the time people get it fixed within the first 2 or 3 days.

Travis Castillo

Stop screwing around and do the song of the dragonborn. I want to hear you wax operatic again,ike

Travis Castillo

Blarg! My phone sucks! I was trying to say wax operatic like you did on "dancing mad". Whatever. Just cover the song of the dragonborn from skyrim. You need to start singing at some point, why not now?


Oh good. I was afraid I wasn't one here and you were already planning to do the drawing soon.


xD I've been considering doing the Skyrim theme for a while, maybe I'll come around to it sometime this year.