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Hey Patrons!

The 2022 Halloween Poll ended last night, and your official winner is...

Skull Heart Arrhythmia from Skullgirls! This song will be this year's official Halloween Special, dropping on the final day of the month.

So the to-do list is now:

  • Next: Exorschism (Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon)
  • Oct: Waiting For You (Silent Hill 4)
  • Oct (Halloween Special): Skull Heart Arrhythmia (Skullgirls)
  • TBA (likely Nov.): Light of Nibel (Ori and the Blind Forest)
  • TBA (likely Nov.): Thy World Consumed / For Everlasting Peace (Mega Man 8-bit Death Match)
  • TBA (likely Nov. and Dec.): NES Medley 10 & GameCube Medley (song list)
  • TBA (likely Nov or Dec): Live & Learn (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • TBA: Project Peppermint

The next song up, officially kicking off our Halloween song set, will be Exorschism from Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, which should be ready and up before the weekend.

Project Peppermint is still in the works and nearing completion! But I'm currently shifting my focus entirely on making sure this months songs are finished (so we don't have another 3 song month, lol). I'll continue to keep you up to date on the project's progress.

That's really all the updates I have for now, I'm looking forward to finally tackling a Skullgirls song for you all, till then, stay awesome and I'll see you in the next post! 😃

PS: For anyone waiting on a JonnyAtma.com website update, I'll have that done today I promise. (Fell way behind the past few weeks! 🥴)

TL;DR: Skull Heart Arrhythmia wins the 2022 Halloween Poll, Exorschism up next. Thank you for being awesome!


The HarDe One

Pls Jonny Skullgirls is one word

Victor Damázio

Well, Ashley's Theme is coming another year.

Matthew Bankey

Alas, not much love for Everhood. One of these days I'll add "The Final Battle" back to my request list.