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Good evening Patrons! Or morning... or afternoon, wherever you may be in the world.

As many of you have seen, we've officially reached the $600 per song full time goal!! I had mentioned in a post a couple of months ago that I was planning to go full-time in November since I've been making more from Youtube revenue than I anticipated, so I bumped the old goal from 675 to 600 and was hopeful we'd hit it right around that time, and we did! I can't thank you guys enough for all of your continued support. It's still unbelievable to me that I can even consider making music as a full time career, but I can't stress enough that it wouldn't be possible without all of your generosity.

I mentioned in my Big Announcement post back in September that I'm moving out soon and will transition to full-time after I get moved out. I'm moving out in the middle November and will then make the full-time announcement publicly on a Youtube live stream after I get all moving-out stuff complete, which should hopefully just take a few days. I will confirm a date and time a couple of weeks before, but I'll atleast give you an early guess that it'll probably be around the 21st/22nd at around 5-6 pm US Central time.

I have all sorts of awesome plans and stuff to talk about that will be happening thanks to the full-time status, but most of the new stuff will happen in 2017 so we'll talk about it more when the time gets closer. For the remainder of 2016, my major focus will be on completing the Patreon album, along with getting 4 new songs (per month) out in November and December.


In other news more relative to the next few days, the audio for La Danse Macabre is complete and I'll be recording the video tomorrow to have it ready to go for Monday night!


And finally, I realized a couple days ago that I didn't have a song planned for after La Danse Macabre, so I've decided on a song that is one of the most requested on Youtube at the moment, and also on the Patreon Request List. So the first song for November will be....

Thanks for your continued love and support, you guys are the greatest, see you in the next post! :D


Kyle Kretzer

Congrats Jonny, this is so well deserved!!




Congratulations on making it to the full time goal! Here's hoping it stays above 600 after the click over to the next month. Ah you're getting around to that song. Looking forward to that one.


Congratulation again man!


I'm glad you finally got the funds to be part time, man, and I'm glad to be a part of that.


Oh, and I'm also really excited about Dialga's Fight to the Finish, I'm a big PMD fan. >w


Congratulations! I'm really happy I was able to help you out :3


Awesome! I'm really happy for that. I've been checking this page everyday while I waited for the 600 dollars goal! Now, to the 1k dollars :D

Roberto Briseño

CONTRATULATIONS!! Let's keep the good music sound around the world!!!


Glad you can follow your dreams bro. Also looking forward to that Pokemon song!

B. Ratcliff

Is this the Primal Dialga song from Mystery Dungeon?