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Good morning/afternoon/evening Patrons, it's August, and you know what that means... PATREON APPRECIATION MONTH!!

Every August, we celebrate the inception of the GaMetal Patreon by giving you all a bit more power in deciding the upcoming song selection. Rather than picking one song from the Patreon Request List and me handpicking another, we'll instead be choosing three songs from the PRL during our monthly stream. No handpick, so this month's songs are completely free from my personal biases. 😉 

On top of that, we'll be choosing songs to go into our yearly NES Medley, and as always, all Patrons of all tiers are eligible to participate!

But that's not all! For the past few years, I've thrown in a second console medley for you all to submit songs for, and we're going to keep that trend going this year as well.

After much thought and consideration, I've decided to go with a console medley I know that most of you have been waiting for. That's right folks, after keeping you waiting for over a decade, this year we're going to have our first...


....wait, this isn't what you wanted?

My bad.

Maybe next time then.

Well in that case, how about for this year's other console medley, we do:

A GameCube Medley! This seems like the next logical step to take after N64, GBA, and PSX.

All Patrons on any tier can submit a song selection for NES Medley #10 and GameCube Medley over at this form. From those submissions, we will be choosing 10 songs for NES Medley 10 and 7 songs for GameCube Medley during our next Patreon Stream.

For request list tier Patrons, be sure you update your request lists over at the official request list post before the next stream. 

One last important thing of note: this month's stream will be moved ahead a few days, taking place on August 10th, starting around 3:00 PM US Central. I've been doing this every August to make sure as many people as possible get in their medley submissions and update their request lists in time. 🙂👍🏼

In non-P.A.M. news:

Our to-do list is back down to a manageable size! Aint it nice?

  • Next: World's End Valentine (OMORI)
  • Likely 2nd: Move Me (Ridge Racer 4)
  • TBA: Waiting For You (Silent Hill 4)

Obviously we're gonna be filling it right back up this month after the stream, but that's ok. World's End Valentine is next up and will likely be finished by then, and hopefully I'll have work done on Move Me by that time as well. Waiting For You is currently also in development, I'll keep you updated on a release time frame for that when I can.

I've set a crazy goal for myself to near-finish the mysterious Project Peppermint this month. I'll keep you updated on that as well. 😉

One final thing, here are the the latest Streaming Service releases since my last update (I think, ahaha):

(Album art by Kelsey Peterson [@nintendonut1])  

Emerald Hill Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)

(Album art by Kelsey Peterson [@nintendonut1])

Supporting Me ...for Biolizard (Sonic Adventure 2)

Volcano (Dino Run)

Tournament Match 1 / Game Point was rejected (expected), Fight Against an Armed Boss has been red-ring-of-deathed (issued/denied) but I haven't received an official rejection on it yet (so... licensing purgatory?), The Sun Rises & Oh No! WASPS!! are both processing and expected to go through soon. Intense Battle in a Mechanized Land is processing, but expected to be denied (😥). 

Acoustic shorts / Atmacoustics will be returning this week! I promise. 😅

Alright, I believe that's all I have for now!

I just want to say once more how grateful I am for all of you here in the GaMetal Patreon community. Without your help, I would've never been able to start doing this full-time, and I still wouldn't be able today. We've been reaching new heights together over the last few years and I have you all to thank for it. So again: thank you for the 7 years of patronage, I really do mean it everytime I say that you all are the greatest!! 🥲

5 months left this year, let's go!

TL;DR: It's Patreon Appreciation Month! Three songs chosen during monthly Patron Stream, 10 songs being chosen for upcoming NES Medley, 7 songs for a GameCube Medley. Medley song submissions can be made by all Patrons of all tiers at this form. Monthly stream day moved to August 10th, usual start time of 3:00 PM US Central. World's End Valentine is the next song up. Emerald Hill, Supporting Me, and Volcano all now on streaming services, links above. Thank you for the seven years of Patronage, and being such awesome people! 😃



GAMECUBE MEDLEY LET'S FUCKING GO shame about the N-Gage medley tho

Victor Damázio

Since it's too late, suggestion for the next year: Instead of a NES Medley, do a Famicom Medley. Basically, only Japan-only games that stayed exclusive to the Famicom and never had an official NES version, sure, some games like Kid Dracula and The Mysterious Murasame Castle, were never released in the West during the 1980s and 1990s, but got western releases many years later, but still, those games that got western versions many years later still count.

Matthew Bankey

GAMECUBE FUCK YEAH! The beginning of the medley better begin with the signature jingle!

Victor Damázio

Also, while NES Medleys are cool, maybe someday you can replace yearly NES Medleys with yearly SNES Medleys. The NES is full of games with great soundtracks, and individual games that have at least one banger, but counting only licensed games, the NES still has a finite number of great tracks.


The N-Gage medley joke, haha. The Gamecube medley will be great! Looking forward to seeing what songs people come up with.


For the N-Gage medley I would like to request the opening theme from High Seize. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdynafeiG54


oh yeah, all of my submissions (four accounts lol) are in. let's hope for a sonic sweep lmao


big ol update post this time around \o/


Aahh, maybe next time N-Gagers