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Hey Patrons, here's our first update post for the month!

I've been hard at work finishing the next 2 songs, Emerald Hill Zone and Supporting Me, both of which are at about 99% and 80% finished, respectively. Here's a quick look at the rest of the current to-do list:

  • 1: Emerald Hill Zone (Sonic 2)
  • 2: Supporting Me (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • June: Tournament 1st Match (Mario Tennis 64)
  • June: Volcano (Dino Run)
  • June: The Sun Rises (Okami)
  • TBA: Waiting For You (Silent Hill 4)

A bit of a personal note, I don't believe I've mentioned this in posts (only on streams), but we're moving out of state this month (wife got into grad school!), so there will be about a week or so where I won't be able to get much work done. My plan is to get 3 songs finished before the middle of the month (the first two, as mentioned, are already almost finished), and then another 1 or 2 songs at the end of June.

Since The Sun Rises is probably the trickiest song on the list at the moment, I decided to move that one to later in June. Tournament 1st Match and Volcano are a bit more on the simple side, so I'll likely be getting to both of those this month.

Aside from all of those and Waiting for You (which I'm looking at July for), we have two more songs going onto the list later today: our monthly Patreon Request List stream pick, and my handpicked choice for the month

Our stream will take place at our normal time later today at 3:00 PM US Central. A recap will be posted shortly afterwards as usual for those who can't make it.

The request list should be completely up to date as of this morning, but there's still some time for last minute changes for request list tiered Patrons if needed. 🙂

A couple more streaming service releases have gone live since the last update post: Valestein Castle and 13th Struggle!

Valestein Castle

The 13th Struggle (album artwork by Kelsey Peterson [@nintendonut1]!)

Beware the Forest's Mushrooms and Battle! Cynthia are currently processing.

That's all for now! I have a busy month going on outside-of-the-internet, so this'll be a pretty basic month GaMetal-wise, mostly just working on the to-do list songs. I'll get some new acoustic shorts out for you all this month well, and we can talk about the next Patreon Request List listening stream once we get settled in our new place (so likely late this month like last time).

See you later for today's stream! 😃

TL;DR: Emerald Hill Zone and Supporting Me next up (both near-finished & should be out later this week), Patreon stream later today @ 3:00 PM US Central Time. Valestein Castle and 13th Struggle now available on streaming services, BtFM and Cynthia processing. Thank you for being awesome!


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