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Hey Patrons! Here's that update post I mentioned I'd be getting to you all today.

I was mainly just wanting to outline what the release timing for the rest of the May Madness remakes will be. I'm just about finished with Beware the Forest's Mushrooms (early download a bit later tonight!), but being a somewhat longer song, I don't anticipate the video to be finished until Saturday.

That said, I still have 3 remakes on the to-do list: Battle! Cynthia, Emerald Hill Zone, and Supporting Me. I've decided to move EHZ and Supporting Me to the first week of June, so I can focus on making all 3 of the remaining remakes after BtFM kickass instead of having to rush them.

I do have a lot done on those 3, so it won't be long into June when Emerald Hill and Supporting Me are finished. I'll be releasing them back-to-back as a Sonic double header, aiming to have them out no later than the first week of June.

So! The to-do list is currently:

  • Next: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms (Super Mario RPG)
  • May: Battle! Cynthia (Pokémon Diamond/Pearl)
  • June: Emerald Hill Zone (Sonic 2)
  • June: Supporting Me (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • June: The Sun Rises (Okami)
  • June: Volcano (Dino Run)
  • June: Tournament 1st Match (Mario Tennis 64)
  • TBA: Waiting For You (Silent Hill 4)

As mentioned, I have a good enough amount of progress on EHZ and Supporting Me to comfortably say that I should be able to have the 5 songs listed as June songs done that month. Battle! Cynthia should be ready by the last day of May. 

I have some more streaming service releases for you since the last update post:

(both of these album arts by Kelsey Peterson [@nintendonut1]!)

Hyrule Temple

Solar Inferno

Oh and also! This isn't a streaming service release, but there's an album artwork I hadn't made yet, so here's the one for Spirit Chaser to complete the current 2022 album art collection:

Valestein Castle and 13th Struggle licenses are both currently processing! They'll probably be up this weekend.

Last but not least... since I decided to hold off on the last 2 songs, how about we have that Patreon Request List Listening Stream I said I might do at the end of this month? We'll do this on Sunday, May 29th, at our usual stream time of 3:00 PM US Central.

That's all for today, see you again soon with the BtFM early dl! 😀👍🏼

TL;DR: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms video coming this weekend, Battle! Cynthia will end the month. Emerald Hill Zone and Supporting Me moved to early June. Hyrule Temple and Solar Inferno both available on streaming services. Patreon Request List Listening Stream this Sunday, May 29th, starting around 3:00 PM US Central. Thank you for being amazing! :)



Yeah, the Sonic delay was expected. Listening stream on Sunday, though? Hell yeah!

Marcus L. Harvey

Crushing it! Thanks for the update🤘🏽🎸