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Hey Patrons, it's update post time!

Attached to this post is a preview of the next song up: Spirit Chaser from Treasure of the Rudras. I should be finished with this one tomorrow with the video up this weekend. 

I've been spending the past few weeks working on all of the to-do list songs and Project Peppermint, which is now 50% complete. I'm now looking to have it near-finished by the end of April, with a reveal late May (as most of May will be spent working on May Madness songs).

I've also been working on a bunch of other things, including two songs I'd like to go ahead and confirm so we can put them on the to-do list. I've already soft-confirmed them by saying 'I'll be getting to them eventually', but these two songs will be the first two in April (with the first being this year's April Fool's Special):

Big Shot! (Fatal Fury 3) will be dropping on April 1st, and the most requested song of the past several months, Big Shot (Deltarune Ch. 2) will drop the following week.

I've made numerous jokes about Fatal Fury's Big Shot! being the most requested GaMetal song at the moment, and there's no better time to make the joke reality than on April Fool's Day.

(And for those that don't get the joke: Big Shot from Deltarune Ch. 2 is really the most requested song since the game was released back in September '21. There have been non-stop comments about it for several months. Big Shot! (a song of the same name, but with an exclamation point) is Terry Bogard's Theme from Fatal Fury 3.)

By the way, I don't believe I officially announced this on Patreon yet, but the Robot Master Request Battle Tournament on the GaMetal Discord concluded a couple of weeks ago. The winner was:

Tornado Man (aka Thunder Tornado) from Mega Man 9! This song is already near-finished and will be dropping a few days after Spirit Chaser.

All that said, the to-do list is now:

  • Next: Spirit Chaser (Treasure of the Rudras)
  • March: Tornado Man Stage (Mega Man 9)
  • April 1st: Big Shot! (Fatal Fury 3)
  • April: Big Shot (Deltarune Ch. 2)
  • Soon!: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
  • TBA: Waiting For You (Silent Hill 4)

As mentioned in the previous update post, May Madness remake voting will begin in early April, more info will be posted around that time. 

That's all for now, it's gonna be a jam-packed few months so stay tuned and I'll see you in the next post! 😃





⚠️ Banger alert ⚠️ Great tracks ahead!! Can't wait to see people flipping over in the comments on the first Big Shot! Haha

Matthew Bankey

HOLY [[Cungadero]] THOSE ARE SOME GOOD [[thumbnails]]!


this is going to be a legendary april fools!