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Hey Patrons!

Even though I released the downloadable version early to you all last month, I wanted to go ahead and give a heads up to those who use streaming services that XI is now up on those  (as well as the official full BandCamp release):

Of the 'new' releases (songs from October-December), I was able to get everything licensed except for the two console medleys (to be expected) and unfortunately both M&L songs as we still lack an official US release for those.  🪦😞

A full list of missing songs can be found on my site.

Also! I was supposed to have the Wood Man video finished and up yesterday, but I had an enormous computer issue that took me all day to fix. So I'm working on it now and should have it up later today.

So I'll see you again in a bit! :)




Now I can finally change the name of the Etrian Oddessy song to "Oceanbound Oddessy."