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Hey Patrons, Happy New Year!! I hope you've been having an awesome 2022 so far.

I've taken the first few days of the years to relax before jumping back into things, but I woke up ready to go this morning. I've got a lot of great things in store for you all this year, and I can't wait to get them out to you. I'm just going to briefly touch on a few of those things today, but will talk more about other things in future update posts.

First off, what's the to-do list looking like now?

  • 2022 Premiere: King Olly Medley (Paper Mario: The Origami King)
  • Soon!: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
  • January: Sorrow's Distortion (Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia)
  • January: Devil's Call In Your Heart (F-Zero X)
  • TBA: Waiting For You (Silent Hill 4)

Sweet! While it doesn't look like much, we have another 2 songs to add this month: the monthly stream choice as well as my monthly handpicked choice from the Patreon Request List. I'll sort out a more confirmed order once we get those picks in.

I'm looking to have the entire list cleared out by the end of February.

Our monthly Patreon stream will take place at our usual time: tomorrow, January 5th, starting around 3:00 PM US Central Time.

On this note, I'm happy to announce the creation of a new and improved Patreon Request List! 

I've mentioned a few times in recent update posts and streams that I'll soon be moving the request list to something like a spreadsheet document, as the list post has gotten so long that it started giving me immense lag when trying to edit it.

Upon hearing my plans for this, our fellow GaMetal Patron and GaMetal Discord mod TheHarDeOne stepped up and created an outstanding spreadsheet for the request list. Huge shoutouts and love to HarDe for this!

The sheet shows each person's list and submissions, as well as a checkbox by each song. The checked songs (which highlight green) are the ones that go up for contention in our monthly Patreon streams.

Names highlighted in blue are Patrons who have not yet had a song chosen. This is mainly to help with my handpicked request list choices (which I personally require to come from someone who has yet to have a request fulfilled). Songs with an orange highlight have either been completed or are official in queue on the to-do list. A red highlight indicates an unused request slot.

A quick note: Patrons who have no song checked are currently inactive Patrons. If you are active, on the request list tier, and I don't have anything checked, please let me know ASAP!

Towards the bottom are tabs for additional sheets.

Current lists the song pool for the monthly Patreon streams. 

Drawing randomly chooses a song from the Current list, which will replace our former use of miniwebtool.com's Random Picker app during streams. 

Listening chooses a random request list Patron, which we'll be using for our listening streams. 

Completed Requests shows all fulfilled Patron requests (note: at the time of this writing, we're still in the process of getting this up to date), and the final tab lists all previous Patrons who've had a song request chosen.

I think that covers all of the aspects of the new request list format. Another quick thank you to TheHarDeOne for putting this together for us!

The new list will be going live shortly after this update post. Any new lists or list changes should then go in the comments section of the new post (17th edition). Thank you!

With most of the big stuff out of the way (minus the King Olly Medley), I'll be getting back to work on the top secret Project Peppermint this month. I'd like to have it finished and revealed sometime within the next 3-4 months. Stay tuned for updates!

(Just placeholder art lol)

GaMetal XI, the 2021 song compilation album which will include the usual few bonus remasters, should be ready and up later this month. Again, I'll keep you updated!

Like last year, there'll still be a few months till we open the 2022 GaMetal Song Ballot. There are a few things I'd like to get knocked out first, such as that Risk of Rain song that placed #2 last year, as well what's very well the most requested GaMetal song at the moment: Big Shot! from Fatal Fury 3, certainly a song that rose to prominence after Terry Bogard's Smash reveal.

Just kidding, I'm talking of course about BIG SHOT from Deltarune Chapter 2. It would be an easy #1 if the ballot opened today, but I prefer going into ballots not knowing what'll place first. I like surprises. 😜

Those last songs I just mentioned I'd call soft confirms, I'm not quite ready to throw them on the to-do list yet to keep it from looking too bloated, but they're definitely going to happen sometime this year, sooner rather than later. As such, if you're a request list tier Patron, there's no need to submit one of those songs (Con Lentitud Poderosa + You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Ukulele, Big Shot) as I will be getting to them in time.

That's all for now, I'll see you tomorrow for our monthly (and first of the year) Patreon stream! :D

TL;DR: New Patreon Request List (17th Edition) coming after this post. Next Patreon Stream at usual date and time: January 5th, 3:00 PM US Central. Project Peppermint is back in production. GaMetal XI should be ready later this month. 2022 Song Ballot will go live later this year (in a few months). Thank you for being awesome! :)



As soon as Big Shot started making the rounds, I thought, "If it hadn't missed the ballot, it would've been a winner for sure." So hey, yay for just doing it outside of ballots, keep the voting more interesting! Plus, after hearing everyone else do it, I've been real curious about how it'd come out in the GaMetal sound. GaMetal 2022 is already off to a rollicking start with this to-do list!


Happy new year Jonny!

Matthew Bankey

*IMPORTANT EDIT*: On the "Winners" list, my name is spelled "Matthew Bankly" instead of "Matthew Bankey". Also, does this get refreshed every year, because I'm pretty sure I was picked back during the last "Patreon Appreciation Month" (my song was Revenge from Everhood). Original comment: I wanted to say go off this version of the song, since it's what the sound sounds like in-game as opposed to being based off the soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8p8VowCmgE But the biggest difference comes at the end of the song and it's minor at best. Either way, that spreadsheet looks awesome, TheHarDeOne really went all-out! Really looking forward to this year of GaMetal!


Got your name fixed Matthew! Sorry about that 😅, also, the list is refreshed every month. 😀👍🏼

Matthew Bankey

Thanks. You won't BELIEVE how many people have called me "Bankly" over the years... and "Blankey" for that matter.

The HarDe One

Thank you, and sorry about that! Aside from links, everything was hand-typed. Many, many typos, many proofreads. Something was bound to slip through the cracks. I have also double-checked to make sure your name is spelled correctly everywhere on the spreadsheet. But yeah this list will be updated regularly each month like past PRL lists have, this is just easier to update quickly and greatly reduces the amount of stuff Jonny has to manually manage. Not sure why Jonny added the 2022 to it, guess he wanted to show off the fact we're starting a new year with a new list.