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Hey Patrons! Just giving you a rather quick update here.

After losing a ton of sleep trying to get Id (Purpose) done, I got the first draft complete earlier but I still hear a ton of things I want to do to it, so I've decided to just go ahead and move it back a couple of days to the very beginning of June; this Thursday or Friday at the latest. I'd rather push it back a couple of days and get it perfect than rush to get a not-as-perfect version out before the month ends.

We still had an awesome May though! Plus, I figure with Id (Purpose) coming out in just a few days, we'll probably be able to get 4 songs out in June, so that's always a good thing.

Also, working on May Madness stuff put me behind on acoustic shorts again. I managed to get another week off work this week (thanks to you all, I can actually do stuff like that) so along with finishing Id (Purpose), I'll be getting completely caught up on those shorts this week as well. Sorry about the delay guys :/

Thanks for your patience everyone, and as always thank you for being awesome and all your continued support!:)


Chris “Stormie” Fields

No worries man, the fact is that you gave us an incredible month filled with some amazing songs. We'd all rather you release Id (Purpose) when you feel it's perfect rather than just being done. Take the time you need, it'll be well worth it.


I always believe that in 99% of cases haste equals waste when it comes to creating any form of media. I always like the taste of something when it's from the slow cooker, if you know what I mean ;p (PS. id (Purpose) sounds amazing. Can't wait for the full song).