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Patrons: We've done it! We've reached, and far surpassed, our $475+ goal meaning the Patron Album is happening! I can't thank you all enough for all your support. I had predicted, and was really hoping, to reach this goal about halfway through the year and everything has gone as planned. I'm now focusing full force on hitting that full-time goal so I can really get the GaMetal ball rolling!


Back to that in a minute, I'll just give you a small May Madness-related update. The first 3 songs were released last week and all 3 have been doing really well, even Basilisk Mine Field is hanging in there with over 7k+ views and 500+ likes (and the only one of the 3 without a dislike currently) in a few days, which is great for an NES song on Youtube: they don't tend to do as well because, well, they're old! Haha.

The next 2 songs, Hyrule Castle and Let the Battles Begin! (Those Who Fight) will be coming this week on Wednesday and Saturday. This should give me enough time to get Doomsday Zone / Big Arms Battle finished for sometime mid next week, and Id (Purpose) ready around the very end of the month. Since these are brand new they're taking me slightly longer to finish than the remakes, but so far everything is still looking good to get all 7 of these out before the month is over, so no worries.

Also, since we're now getting to the 4+ songs-in-a-month-point, I just want to give another friendly reminder to set your monthly limits here on Patreon if you need to. I don't want you to end up being charged more than you'd like and end up getting declined or losing you as a result. That'd be awful. :/

Ok, so now I'm going to give you the full details on how the Power to the Patrons album is going to work.


  • Ten songs will be chosen from the Patreon Request List for the album, in a RandomPicker drawing like we usually do.
  • The drawing will take place at the beginning of next month (June). This way Patreon will filter out any people that get declined and have ended up donating $0 total. I know Patreon retries declined cards after a couple of days, so I'll wait till around June 5th just in case anyone is declined in error and gets it fixed.
  • The cool down period will be temporarily lifted. Even if you've had a song done recently, if you've donated this month (May), and you're in the proper request list tier, you'll be in the album drawing.
  • When the album is finished, it will be available for download here on Patreon for every Tier!
  • The songs will be released to the public, via the usual Youtube video, over the course of the rest of the year. There will only be a video for 1 or 2 album songs posted each month. That way we can still get some new stuff in. Also, I will charge as usual for each video here on Patreon. I'll be releasing the songs towards the end of each month, so for those donating a large amount but for only 1-3 songs a month, you'd mostly be paying for the totally new stuff. I figured that would be the fairest way to do it.
  • Videos for the songs won't be made till the album is finished, but!, there are some songs that are on the request list that I've been planning on doing, so if one of those gets picked, it might have a video made before the album is done.
  • Currently this will be download-only, but I'm totally down for getting some hard-copies made in the future.

The current Patreon Request List (6th Edition) is here. It's not completely up to date (cause, ya know, May Madness, haha), but I'll for sure have it updated before the drawing takes place. So if you're Tier 3+ (or if you were in one of the lower tiers back when the request list reward was available then), make sure you have your list submitted.  I'll also make a new post for the request list (a 7th edition) before the month is over. Also do remember you can change the songs on your list at any time. So feel free to leave a comment on the request list post with any changes you'd like to make.

I think that pretty much covers everything. It's hard to say how long it will take to complete, but if I had to give a super rough estimate, I'd say the album would be complete by the end of August. As the pledge amount here on Patreon gets higher, I'm able to take more time off real-life work to work on music. It's gotten to a point where, for the past couple of months, I've been able to take off almost an entire week and commit it to GaMetal stuff. Which couldn't make me happier. The majority of any time off I get after this month will be dedicated to working on this album. :D

In conclusion, thank you all again for helping me get this far! In my eyes, we've only scratched the surface, full-time goal here we come!

TL;DR Thanks to you all for being such great people, the Patreon album is happening. May Madness has been going well and so far all 7 songs will happen as planned. Thanks again! :D







Oh yeah!! By the way I wanna change my request list to: Wicked Child (this is the one you picked of my previous list) Clash on the Big Bridge (since this is one of the songs you wanna make anyway (and the SNES Medley was fucking awesome) Err out of ideas...perhaps Top Gear 1 First Stage? (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xpqOPbFdQ)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xpqOPbFdQ)</a> Sorry for the formating shift + enter is not working.


I'm going to change my list once more since I've thought of something different for one of the choices 1. Final Confrontation - Romancing SaGa 3 youtube.com/watch?v=argIRM8e7DU A lot of people like Romancing SaGa 2's final battle theme but I personally like this one more. 2. Ancient Makes - The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky youtube.com/watch?v=pDQHLkVmLMU I've been searching high and low for a song from this series that would be suitable since I really wanted you to do something from this series at some point. I've seen a lot of people in the Youtube comments requesting Silver Will from Trails in the Sky SC but I'm not that interested in that one. I had a song in mind from a currently Japan-only title of the series but I've settled for the final boss theme of the first Trails game. Keep in mind, this is the remake version. The original is more techno but this one has the guitar and drums. 3. Eternity - Blue Dragon youtube.com/watch?v=LUjxPj3al5U Good sounding tune to it but it has some really nonsensical lyrics. An instrumental cover of this song would be great unless you want to do vocals for this.


My updated list is in the comments of the 6th edition.

Chris Stevens

I honestly wouldn't mind a little uniracers theme, however I know that any song you do is gonna be epic


awesome news! Congratulation jonny! Can't wait to see which song will be picked!


Here's the song that will replace kirby / Gaze up at the darkness, from castlevania portrait of ruins : <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgI8ng-JsPc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgI8ng-JsPc</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYDrh0Oa6ig" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYDrh0Oa6ig</a>