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Hey Patrons, it's August, and you know what that means...

It's Patreon Appreciation Month!

Every August, we celebrate the anniversary of the inception of the GaMetal Patreon by doing a few special things:

  • Three songs (rather than 1 + a handpicked choice) are chosen from the Patreon Request List during our monthly Patreon stream.
  • Songs are chosen from Patron submissions for the yearly NES Medley (10 songs + Tier 6 picks)
  • Songs are chosen from Patron submissions for another console medley.

There's been a lot of mystery and intrigue over what this year's other console medley will be, so let's start off this post with that confirmation:

This year's other console medley will be a Playstation 1 Medley! We will be choosing 7 songs from Patron submissions, along with the Tier 7 Patron picks and any extra song(s) I throw in.

Like we've been doing the past few years, I'll be collecting everyone's NES #9 Medley and Playstation Medley song entries using this form.

Remember: Patrons of all tiers are eligible to participate in the Medley song submission process!

Also of important note: to give Patrons plenty of time to submit their medley entries and make changes to their Patreon Request List selections, the monthly song selection stream will be moved up to August 10th rather than our usual date of the 5th. The start time will be our usual time of 3:00 PM US Central.

However, I don't want to wait that long to hang out with you all again, so on August 5th, I'll be doing a Patreon Request List listening stream instead, again at our usual time of 3:00 PM US Central.

As mentioned above, the monthly handpicked choice will be superseded by the 3 songs selected from the monthly stream. I might still make a handpicked choice this month if I can make good enough progress on the to-do list before September, likely influenced by the 2021 Song Ballot.

Speaking of the to-do list, thanks to our jam packed month in July, it is now only:

  • Next: The Price of Doing Business (Shovel Knight)
  • TBA: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)

After the 10th, this will be filling up a bit with our 3 songs chosen from the monthly stream, as well as the NES and PSX medleys, but it's still nice to see the to-do list slimmed down for once!

And I promise I'm still working on Lost in Thoughts All Alone. :)

Last thing I'd like to note: with the to-do list currently being cut down to only 2 songs, I've got a bit of extra time, so I'll be spending a lot of that working on the top secret Project Peppermint, and maybe throw in a Twitch stream sometime (a chill gameplay stream, perhaps). 

That's all for now, remember to get your NES Medley and PSX Medley song submissions in over here, thank you all so much for six years of GaMetal Patreon awesomeness!! I'll see you all in the next post (likely Thursday's Patreon Request List listening stream). :D

TL;DR: It's Patreon Appreciation Month! Three songs chosen from PRL in monthly stream (moved up to August 10th), plus 10 songs chosen for our annual NES Medley and 7 songs for a PSX Medley. Songs can be submitted for medley contention by any tier Patron over at this form.  Patreon Request List listening stream on August 5th, starting around 3:00 PM US Central. Next song up is The Price of Doing Business from Shovel Knight. Thank you for six years of GaMetal Patreon support!! :)


Matthew Bankey

Just submitted my songs for the PSX and NES # 9 medleys! Not sure if they'll get picked, but this is sure exciting nonetheless!

Andrew D. Lawrenson

Do you take suggestions on post video Atmacoustics, or just roll with whatever strikes your fancy?