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Hey Patrons!

Before I get started with this May Madness explanation: the monthly Patreon stream will be moving up a day to April 6th, still around the same time of 3:00 PM US Central Time. I remembered that I have a doctors appointment on the 5th, so I decided to move the stream to a different day just in case I'm not finished in time. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled Patreon post:

May Madness is next month!

For those that are new to the GaMetal May Madness event: since 2015, every May I've gone back and remade some old GaMetal songs (old being songs made prior to 2015). This usually ends up being anywhere from 3-5 remakes, with some new songs (taken from the to-do list) thrown in as well.

In recent years, I've been taking both Patron and non-Patron requests for old GaMetal songs that you'd like to see return for May Madness.

This year, I will be taking your requests via this GaMetal Patreon May Madness 2021 Submission Form. Normally, we'd do this in the comments section of this post, but we have so many Patrons now (which I'm stoked about, thank you all!) that I feel this would be an easier way for me to organize the Patreon May Madness requests.

As Patrons (all tiers, by the way), you can suggest up to 3 songs for remake contention. Only 1 is required if you can't think of another 2.

What songs are eligible?

The quick and easy version: any old GaMetal songs from 2009-2014 that haven't been remade from 2015-2021.  This includes requesting a full version of a song from any medley, such as May 2020's Bowser which appeared in 2009's Bowser Medley, or May 2019's City Escape which appeared in the 2014 Sonic Fan Medley.

For the in-depth version: a full list of eligible songs can be viewed here. 

Friendly reminder: I won't -only- be going with the songs with the most votes, so songs that don't place in the top aren't necessarily counted out and vice versa, but the results of this ballot and the public ballot will have a very strong influence on my choices.

I mentioned in the last update post that I was planning on merging the 2021 GaMetal Song Ballot with the public May Madness Request Form, but I've decided not to do that just to avoid any confusion. In fact, I will be posting the the public May Madness request form after this Patreon post goes up. The official 2021 GaMetal Song Ballot will go live shortly after the public May Madness form closes.

On that note, both the public and Patreon May Madness forms will be closing on the evening of April 14th to prepare for the event, so make sure you get your requests in for me as soon as you can!

Here's a final link to the Patreon 2021 May Madness form, happy requesting! :)

PS: Yes you can fill out both this form and the public one, keep an eye on the Youtube channel community posts for it. :)


Alex LaVoie

I chose Banjo Kazooie Title Theme from the N64 Medley, Rusty Bucket Bay and Stickerbush Symphony! If SMRPG wasn't off the table, I'd have picked that. Oh well.