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Hey Patrons and hopeful future Patrons! Here's the latest song, a pick from my wife: Michelle Chang's Theme from Tekken 2!

I used to play a lot of Tekken 2 back in the day so I'm more than familiar with this theme, it's pretty awesome so it was a fun obscure song to do.

Hope you all like this, we've got a big one coming next so stay tuned! :)


Nobody Catch Me [Michelle's Theme] (Tekken 2) - GaMetal

GaMetal unexpectedly journeys to the land of Tekken to take on the theme of Michelle Chang: Nobody Catch Me from Tekken 2! Every year for Valentines Day I'm letting my wife choose the next song. Last year she chose Oil Ocean Zone, and this year I'm doing a song she's been wanting for years: Michelle's Theme from Tekken 2.


Sébastien Fournier

Glad you took the time to do something for yourself/your wife; I've been particularly afraid that with patreon and other source of funds, you'd feel forced to restrain your music range to our suggestion