Patreon Stream #41 Recap + this month's Handpicked Choice! (Patreon)
Hey Patrons! Here's a quick recap of today's stream for those who missed it.
Like we've been doin for quite a while, we just hung out for a bit and drew one song. This month's random drawing winner is:
Nitro Man from Mega Man 10, from the list of Interessant! I've done this as an acoustic short in the past... so it looks like now we're getting a full GaMetal version.
This month's handpicked request list choice is a song that was tied for the 10th overall most requested song spot from the 2020 GaMetal Song Ballot, and also comes from a series that was #4 in most requested new-to-GaMetal series. It also appears on multiple Patron lists, so this month we're going with:
Silver Will from The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky! This comes from the list of MarioManiac88 in particular, but it also appears on the list of Rub, ynnoJ, Travis Scott, and That Gal.
There's a good chance that I'll be able to get both of these songs finished this month, making the to-do list now look something like:
- Next: Transcending, Overpowering, Everlasting (Bug Fables)
- November: Freedom Fight (Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries)
- November: Nitro Man (Mega Man 10)
- November: Silver Will (The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)
- December: GBA Medley
- TBA: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
- December: God Shattering Star (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
- Soon!: Side-Quests Volume 3 (Song list at bottom of PRL)
That's all for now, I'm headed back to work on the Side-Quests 3 songs, thank you for being awesome and I'll see you in the next post! :)
TL;DR: Drawing winner: Nitro Man (Mega Man 10), Handpicked Choice: Silver Will (The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky). Thanks for being awesome!