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Hey Patrons, it's update post time!

The main purpose of this post is just to outline for you all what the last week of the month will look like. The next 3 songs, in order, will be Vordt of the Boreal Valley (preview included in this post!), Theme of Laura, and Mystic Mansion

I'm working on finishing up Vordt and Laura this weekend (currently about 70-80% on both of them) so I can get Mystic Mansion done in time for Halloween (Saturday). The timeline for the videos will likely be Vordt on Tuesday, Laura on Thursday, and Mystic Mansion, of course, on Saturday.

I had previously mentioned hoping to get a preview medley of Side-Quests 3 up for you all this month, but that's likely to slip into early November since I'm going gung-ho on these next 3 songs. In fact, I will make the preview medley my top priority after Halloween (so getting it up for you before finishing anything else).

Here's a quick repost of the to-do list for reference:

  • Next: Vordt of the Boreal Valley (Dark Souls III)
  • October: Theme of Laura (Silent Hill 2)
  • Halloween Special: Mystic Mansion (Sonic Heroes)
  • November: Transcending, Overpowering, Everlasting (Bug Fables)
  • November: Freedom Fight (Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries)
  • TBA: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
  • TBA: God Shattering Star (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
  • TBA: GBA Medley
  • Soon!: Side-Quests Volume 3 (Song list at bottom of PRL)

That's all I have to share for now. I'll see you in the next post! :)


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