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Good evening Patrons and a welcome to all the newest Patrons! We're now up to 70 Patrons only $8.25 away from our next milestone goal, Patreon Poll #6: SNES Medley Edition. Awesome!

So I'm dedicating the next few days to getting caught up on the acoustic shorts I owe to my Tier 4 Patrons. I have a lot to do so expect a ton of those coming your way very soon.

After I get those finished, I'll be working on the first song of the month: a random Patreon Request List song. We received quite a few new Patrons within the past few days so I have some more requests to listen to, rest assured I'll have my picks chosen from your list before we do the drawing.

I let my wife (yes everyone I'm married, hence the wedding ring, haha) choose a song last year  for Valentine's Day (Oil Ocean Zone), so I'm letting her pick again this year, and her choice is in! She's made a pretty left-field choice and is going with Michelle Chang's Theme from Tekken 2, which has made me realize I've never done a non-Final Fantasy PSX song. xD

The month will be ending with the long awaited Mega Man Mega Medley II. This is how we'll do it: There are a few songs that weren't in the original Mega Man Mega Medley that probably should've been (like Cut Man, Metal Man, Zero's Theme from MMX, etc), so I'm going to choose a few of those, then I'm going to leave the rest up to you all. I'll make a post soon where everyone can submit a MMMMII song suggestion, and we'll hold a drawing and randomly choose an additional 5 songs to add, similar to how I did it the first time (my fan base was WAY smaller back then, though!).

If time permits we might be able to knock out a fourth song, but with it being a short month + ending with a medley, it will most likely be three.

That's the plan for February, we had an amazing opening month for 2016! ASGORE is already up to 36,000+ views, Cornered has been doing surprisingly well, already surpassing the well-received Rainbow Road 64 in like count, and everyone was pretty excited about the SMBZ hype surrounding Koopaling Battle (which Mark says he loved by the way!). Also we gained 2,000+ subscribers on Youtube, that's a 10% increase in a month!

Thanks as always for your support, you all are truly the best, buckle up for another great month in February! :)



Hope everybody will choose song that are not from MM2, it's done way too much already! I have already a few in mind, can't wait!

Mats Tolvaly (Count Lazuli)

There are just so many songs when it comes to the megaman series, Really what is the actual number? Not to mention that most of them are great, so just picking around 8-10 songs total is gonna be hard x3


Yeah I agree. I really hope the only song from MM2 is metal man.


Nice news. I hope MM4 get some love, so many cool musics like Menu, Skull Man, Last Boss, Pharaoh Man,... By the way, how many songs do you expect it to have?