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Hey Patrons, it's time for the first update post of October!

It was a really tight squeeze, but I managed to get 4 songs into September. Along with that, I did a ton of work on the Side-Quests 3 album. As I mentioned in the last update post, I should be able to get a SQ3 preview medley up for you sometime later this month!

Getting another 4 songs out of the way has cut down the to-do list to a much more manageable looking size:

  • Next: NES Medley
  • October: Transcending, Overpowering, Everlasting (Bug Fables)
  • October: Theme of Laura (Silent Hill 2)
  • TBA: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
  • TBA: God Shattering Star (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
  • TBA: GBA Medley
  • Soon!: Side-Quests Volume 3 (Song list at bottom of PRL) 

NES Medley will be next up, possibly followed by T,O,E and then Theme of Laura. We've reached a point now where I should be able to start doing songs a lot sooner after they're drawn, so it's likely that either the monthly drawing winner or handpicked choice could be completed this month as well.

On that note, I've decided to look around for a singer for Lost in Thoughts All Alone, so the time frame on that one will remain TBA for now. I'm also still determining when exactly to release God Shattering Star. When it gets close to time for both of these, I'll let you know ASAP!

GBA Medley will likely be coming in November, and there's a possibility most of December and maybe some of November will be dedicated to Side-Quests 3.

We have 3 songs to add to the list this month: our next Patron Request List drawing winner, as well as my hand-picked request choice for the month. On top of that... it's October, so you know what that means: our annual Patreon Halloween Song Poll! I'm going to be deciding on this months poll contenders this week, and will have the poll posted after our next drawing stream.

On the topic of streams: we have 2 coming up!

I mentioned last month that I'd be doing another Patreon Request List listening stream, and  I'd also combine that with the requested viewing of my NES Medley ordering process. This stream will take place tomorrow (October 3rd), starting around 2:00 PM US Central Time.

This month's official monthly Patron stream will be moved up a day to October 6th rather than the 5th. My wife and I's anniversary is on October 4th, so I usually take off a couple of days for this! I believe I did this last year as well, iirc.

The monthly stream on the 6th will start around 3:00 PM US Central Time

As always, I'll post a link to these streams about 10 minutes before I'm completely live, with a recap for the Oct 6th stream coming shortly after the stream ends.

I'll be updating the Patron Request List tomorrow, but like usual all of you request list Patrons have until the drawing stream to get your list updated.

There's also one more stream to bring up: I was planning on doing a Youtube Q&A/News Stream last month, but just got so busy with the SQ3 album songs along with the 4 September songs that it slipped through the cracks. Instead I will be doing that public Q&A/News stream this month, date to be announced (probably sometime next weekend).

I think that covers everything for now. For those that can make it, I'll see you during tomorrows stream, and for everyone else, I'll see you in the next post, thank you all for your continued support and being the best community around! :D

TL;DR: Next song up is NES Medley. Patreon Requst List listening stream and live stream of my NES Medley ordering process tomorrow (October 3rd) starting around 2:00 PM US Central Time. Official monthly Patron stream moved up a day to October 6th, starting around 3:00 PM US Central Time. Public Youtube Q&A/News Stream coming later this month, likely next weekend.  Halloween Poll coming after our usual monthly stream. Thank you for being awesome! :)



Okay, but future streams are still on the 5th right? Because I made a time off request for the 5th of the next 3 months so I could catch the livestream and the 5th for almost every month after that is on days I know I will have off.