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Good afternoon/evening/morning? Patrons!

Rainbow Road is about 99% complete. I'm debating whether to release it tomorrow or Thursday. I just finished recording drum video and I'm about to start working on the keyboard video, if I finish that tonight (which I'm pretty sure I will), I'll be recording guitar video tomorrow morning and will be able to have it up tomorrow night, meaning if all goes accordingly I'll have the early download up here soon.

I also have to update JonnyAtma.com completely to add the 2016 section, which is going to take me a few hours cause I'm stupid and only know how to use html and Web Expression 4/Dreamweaver. Hey, that gives me a cool milestone goal idea: professionally made website. That'd be pretty neat.

Speaking of milestone goals, I just added a new one at 300 for the next poll: SNES Medley Edition, similar to the GaMedley edition (which is where this upcoming Rainbow Road mix came from!) where we choose from one of the top requested songs from the medley that people want a full version of. Off the top of my head, it seems like Clash on the Big Bridge, Ken's Theme, and Fighting of the Spirit are among the top.

So a few months ago I did an interview for Reid Gacke over at OnlySP.com, a site that focuses on single player games. It was just published yesterday, so if you want to get inside my head a little go check it out! Hopefully you find it to be an interesting read. xD

That's all I have for now, thanks as always for being great! :)


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Mats Tolvaly (Count Lazuli)

Read the article on OnlySP earlier today, was quite... interesting... Oh and HYPE for fighting of the spirit!!


Nice news so tier 2 preview should be coming tomorrow :) Nice interview, hopefuly it boosts your popularity. And by the way, FFVII has never been remade (yet), FFIV did (twice I think?) but I agree, FFVII is the most overrated FF game, FFIX is my favorite (FFVI being a close second). May I suggest you to put this interview in your home page in Patreon? And one last thing, thank you for accepting my suggestion (you read it didn't you?) about the new milestone! Let's reach it before march!


I hope you put up a poll with all the songs - I'd love to see Megalomania or Bowser's Stage but I doubt they'd make it onto a truncated list.