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Good afternoon Patrons and a huge welcome to all of the new people to come on board! We're now up to 58 Patrons and have re-reached the Part-Time milestone goal (we dropped back below it after some declined pledges from last month), so things continue to progress greatly here on Patreon!

ASGORE has been doing awesome statistically, currently at 7k+ views and 1k+ likes in just about 24 hours. Of course I saw quite a few people comment along the lines of 'oh god, more Undertale', but with Undertale's rampant popularity the past few months, it was to be expected. I'll be taking a break from Undertale music for a while since it really is an oversaturated remix market and I don't want to go overboard. xD

I've finished tagging all the songs for the GaMetal V album (for those that are new, an album I'm creating of all 2015 GaMetal songs for OverClocked Records), I have a little tweaking to do to some of the first few 2015 songs for remastering purposes, followed by coming up with original titles for all the songs, and getting the album artwork created. I expect to have this ret-2-go by the end of the week.

So you may have heard, but the popular sprite-animation series Super Mario Bros. Z recently made a comeback with an amazing fresh reboot, and it even featured a GaMetal song! It turns out Mark Haynes is a GaMetal fan :D. I thanked him on Twitter and offered a helping hand if he ever needed it and got this response:

It's actually a pretty simple song and one I think I can knock out rather quickly, so I'm going to do this as the 4th song of the year after Rainbow Road 64 and the winner of the New Franchise Poll.

Speaking of the New Franchise Poll, I'll be ending that poll this weekend, so head over and leave a vote if you haven't yet! Cornered from Phoenix Wright has recently taken the #1 spot away from Strike the Earth. It looks like this will be another nail-biter.

That's all for now. I'll be spending the rest of the afternoon working on acoustic shorts for my Tier 4 Patrons. I have most of you all's recent suggestions but I'll send out some messages if I haven't yet.

Thanks as always for being the best! :)


Patreon Request List

All Patreon Acoustic Shorts

Poll #5: New Franchise Song



Nice to see that we are back to $250 :) By the way, why the V in "GaMetal V"? I hope I'm not missing something obvious hehe.


V = roman numeral for 5, since all the songs are from 201(5), and I consider it the 5th year of GaMetal (since 2012 only had 2 songs, I just count 2011 and 2012 as one year).


Gametal V? Sounds like another episode for the avgn's chronologically confused series


I'm a big fan oh SMBZ too! i'm so glad he came back, the 1st episode of reboot is so amazing ! ^^


That's awesome man. Btw, I'm new at this...where do I find all the $3 tier rewards?


Welcome Airsh, glad to have you here! You'll be able to find the $3 tier rewards (early downloads) posted in my Patreon feed when they become available. Also you can submit your request list songs here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-request-3699509">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-request-3699509</a>

Jamison 'SolarZero' M.

Glad to be here to get you bumped back up to $250+ Jonny. Still wishing I had enough time to write reviews for you like I did in the past, but I think you can relate to just having too much to do with life |D


Welcome Jamison, and your support is just as great as having your reviews. :)